Opera Browser Speed Dial Extensions XSS and XSRF

Credit: Lostmon
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

######################################## Opera Browser Speed Dial Extensions XSS and XSRF Original advisore: http://lostmon.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/opera-browser-speed-dial-extensions-xss.html ######################################## ############ Description: ############ Speed Dial gives you quick access to your favorite Web sites. Every time you open a new tab, you are presented with a 3x3 grid of thumbnails, each representing a Web address. To open a page, click on the corresponding thumbnail, or use the keyboard shortcuts. http://help.opera.com/Mac/10.50/en/speeddial.html ######### Abstract ######### Developers Build Extensions for fast access to web services like Gmail, Flirk or Facebook. Speed dial "protect users" to direct XSS attacks, but the extensions used in Speed ??Dial, are not free of bugs and some of them are not safe. A remote attacker could compose special attacks, for abusing the functionality of these extensions in Speed Dial. #################### Extensions for Gmail #################### This two extenions show latest unread Emails from Gmail and are prone vulnerables to XSS & CSRF style atacks. ###### XSS: ###### If a attacker write a Email and in subject insert a html code it is executed in the extension. <http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ps9aJOC0H7U/Uh0f4VZAgJI/AAAAAAAAAH0/JjadBaF-Jto/s1600/svg.png> ###### XSRF: ###### If a attacker compose a Email with subject like "><iframe src="https://mail.google.com/mail/?logout&hl=es"<>/iframe> when the extension refresh content, it cause victim logout function. https://addons.opera.com/es/extensions/details/gmail-on-speed-dial-ex/ https://addons.opera.com/es/extensions/details/gmail-on-speed-dial/ ############################## Extensions for Google Calendar ############################## This Two extensions Show reminders and events from Google Calendar and are prone vulnerables to XSS & CSRF style attacks ###### XSS: ###### If a attacker write a event in a shared calendar and in subject insert a html code it is executed in the extension. <http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2dL5w4bP6fo/Uh0gLc1NLxI/AAAAAAAAAH8/lElKwJgAVco/s1600/iframe.png> ###### XSRF: ###### If a attacker a event in a shared calendar with subject like "><iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/logout"<>/iframe> when the extension refresh content, it cause victim logout function. https://addons.opera.com/es/extensions/details/google-calendar/ https://addons.opera.com/es/extensions/details/gcaltoday/ ################ Related Links ################ http://lostmon.blogspot.com.es/2010/09/google-chrome-instaled-extensions.html http://www.osvdb.org/search?search[vuln_title]=lostmon%20extension&search[text_type]=alltext http://www.oxdef.info/posts/2011/01/18/chrome-ext/ http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2359778,00.asp ############## End ######################## ################## Solution ################### No solution was available at this time !!! ################ nd #################### -- atentamente: Lostmon (lostmon@gmail.com) Web-Blog: http://lostmon.blogspot.com/ Google group: http://groups.google.com/group/lostmon (new) -- La curiosidad es lo que hace mover la mente...



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