SpagoBI v4.0 Remote Privilege Escalation

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-269

CVSS Base Score: 9/10
Impact Subscore: 10/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: Single time
Confidentiality impact: Complete
Integrity impact: Complete
Availability impact: Complete

################################################### 01. ### Advisory Information ### Title: Remote Privilege Escalation in SpagoBI Date published: 2013-02-28 Date of last update: 2013-02-28 Vendors contacted: Engineering Group Discovered by: Christian Catalano Severity: High 02. ### Vulnerability Information ### CVE reference: CVE-2013-6231 CVSS v2 Base Score: 9 CVSS v2 Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C) Component/s: SpagoBI Class: Input Manipulation 03. ### Introduction ### SpagoBI[1] is an Open Source Business Intelligence suite, belonging to the free/open source SpagoWorld initiative, founded and supported by Engineering Group[2]. It offers a large range of analytical functions, a highly functional semantic layer often absent in other open source platforms and projects, and a respectable set of advanced data visualization features including geospatial analytics.[3] SpagoBI is released under the Mozilla Public License, allowing its commercial use. SpagoBI is hosted on OW2 Forge[4] managed by OW2 Consortium, an independent open-source software community. [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - 04. ### Vulnerability Description ### SpagoBI contains a flaw that leads to unauthorized privileges being gained. The issue is triggered when the servlet (action): AdapterHTTP?ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_USER_ACTION is executed with specifically crafted input, and may allow a remote attacker to gain Administrator role privileges. 05. ### Technical Description / Proof of Concept Code ### An attacker (a SpagoBI malicious Business User with RSM role ) can invoke via URL the servlet (action): AdapterHTTP?ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_USER_ACTION to gain SpagoBI Administrator privilege. To reproduce the vulnerability follow the provided information and steps below: - Using a browser log on to SpagoBI with restricted account (e.g. Business User Account) - Execute: https://localhost/SpagoBI/servlet/AdapterHTTP?ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_USER_ACTION - Select your account from Users List - Select Administrator Role from Roles tab and save it Remote Privilege Escalation Attack has been successfully completed! 06. ### Business Impact ### Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may allow a remote, authenticated attacker to elevate privileges and obtain full access to the affected system. The attacker could exploit the vulnerability to become administrator and retrieve or publish any kind of data. 07. ### Systems Affected ### This vulnerability was tested against: SpagoBI 4.0 Older versions are probably affected too, but they were not checked. 08. ### Vendor Information, Solutions and Workarounds ### This issue is fixed in SpagoBI v4.1, which can be downloaded from: Fixed by vendor [verified] 09. ### Credits ### This vulnerability has been discovered by: Christian Catalano aka wastasy ch(dot)catalano(at)gmail(dot)com 10. ### Vulnerability History ### October 08th, 2013: Vulnerability identification October 22th, 2013: Vendor notification to [SpagoBI Team] November 05th, 2013: Vendor Response/Feedback from [SpagoBI Team] December 16th, 2013: Vendor Fix/Patch [SpagoBI Team] January 16th, 2014: Fix/Patch Verified February 28th, 2014: Vulnerability disclosure 11. ### Disclaimer ### The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. I accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. ###################################################


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