JBoss EJBInvokerServlet/JMXInvokerServlet confusion

Credit: Steve
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

There are several CVEs related to the lack of authentication for JBoss invoker servlets, but there's a bit of confusion and a likely duplicate. CVE-2012-0874 is associated with various Red Hat advisories that mention JMXInvokerHAServlet and EJBInvokerHAServlet - with "HA" in the name - in JBoss. The description for CVE-2013-4810 is currently focused on HP products, but it mentions EJBInvokerServlet and JMXInvokerServlet (different servlets without "HA" in the name). Through the associated ZDI advisory, this issue is associated with some exploit(s) authored by Andrea Micalizzi (rgod), who reported the issue in various products that utilize JBoss. In addition, https://access.redhat.com/site/articles/545183 - "Does CVE-2013-4810 affect Red Hat JBoss products?" - clarifies that these servlets are "exposed without authentication on older, unsupported community releases of JBoss AS (WildFly) 4.x and 5.x." CVE-2013-4810 is used heavily with references to ZDI-13-229. The openness of JMXInvokerServlet is covered in a 2011-era disclosure in http://www.matasano.com/research/OWASP3011_Luca.pdf, although EJBInvokerServlet is not mentioned then. The key question is whether CVE-2013-4810 is a duplicate of an existing CVE that covers EJBInvokerServlet and JMXInvokerServlet, and if so, which CVE is it a duplicate of. It is not a duplicate of CVE-2012-0874, since that deals with the exposure of different servlets - the "HA" servlets - so is effectively a variant of the original issue. CVE-2007-1036 is heavily used. Although it does not mention EJBInvokerServlet or JMXInvokerServlet, it is related to insecure JBoss configuration. None of the commonly-associated references mention EJBInvokerServlet and JMXInvokerServlet, either. If we can clearly link CVE-2007-1036 with those servlets, then it becomes possible to reject CVE-2013-4810 as a duplicate. Original links such as http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SecureJBoss are now gone, which is unfortunate because this is a "bridge reference" that is included in both CVE-2007-1036 and Red Hat's "Does CVE-2013-4810 affect Red Hat JBoss products?" article. https://community.jboss.org/wiki/securethejmxconsole doesn't name the servlets. There is, at least, a Metasploit module that maps to CVE-2007-1036 and calls JMXInvokerServlet: https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/multi/http/jboss_invoke_deploy There's still a question of EJBInvokerServlet - I haven't seen it mentioned in conjunction with CVE-2007-1036 yet. Also, it appears that there are mentions of other vectors besides servlets, e.g. http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2007-02/0356.html Red Hat, can you confirm that the scope of CVE-2007-1036 is the lack of authentication for both JMXInvokerServlet and EJBInvokerServlet? - Steve



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