phpTrafficA 2.3 SQL Injection

Credit: Daniel Geerts
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Product: phpTrafficA Product page: Affected versions: Up to and including 2.3 (latest as of writing). Description: An SQL injection exists in Php/Functions/log_function.php, line 933: $sql3 ="INSERT INTO `${table}_host` SET date='$date', host='', hostname='', page='$page', ref='$cleanref', agent='$agent', longIP='$iplong'"; The $agent variable comes directly from $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], without any escaping. This makes SQL injection possible. Even if multiple statements in one query has been turned off, the contents of the database can still be read by manipulating the last parameter of the query (the IPv4-address stored as an integer). For example, the following spoofed user agent will store the ASCII-value of the second character of the admin hash as its IP: Firefox', longIP=(SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING(value,2,1)) FROM phpTrafficA_conf WHERE variable='adminpassword') # This will be displayed in the "Latest visitors > Details" section, and by repeating this procedure multiple times, the entire admin hash (or any other database content) can be retrieved. Partial mitigations: - - Turn off "multiple statements in one query". - - Hide "Latest visitors > Details" section from view. This prevents the attacker from obtaining the output of the manipulated query. - - Apply this quick fix to line 933: $sql3 ="INSERT INTO `${table}_host` SET date='$date', host='', hostname='', page='$page', ref='$cleanref', agent='".mysql_real_escape_string($agent)."', longIP='$iplong'"; The code-fix does not resolve the SQL injection for all server configurations, but should be sufficient for most. A proper fix would be a version of phpTrafficA that uses PDO with prepared statements. Best regards, Daniel Geerts -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJUhwA8AAoJEHn1bVIKHk5NxhYQAMiEbr06K7UQxXEZv0+3KTr6 LTA+65vVdmu0mTPQrTEjNeW46bv5tpnOuZc0q8Nprwbko2V/ANVXnD2NC4nBdYE8 J+7XonQq7CnsM//C504D2Vms3ylQhkthycCBc1OXaaEEIF2lmFrLPFsLLNkjaEAr A5hDZJE7tSjDoq4/a3Psl1DLC+oblYbAA/JJxcSx5Abdnt47i9HMs9xWxN5Jn9oj OwXoF31YrMxbMoqrENQqnc5lVvfxM+ki/t5sCZV4jk1kRX7Ivf7sEMbhiN0sKqnM UeNwVSgi5308rAYdyg5zpUurvwIlKYtU9kA4N1sIVJCIGzeZXYCIOVAJZNglZ/NB bX9EoLoxeU1R7RS2SWHLEneriiyj0nCyS1X+HSkov9p1gYemxqivgmBKsV3A4LxG Crz7kHpcpYSn15u7vploGOki/G0sqpMVL9UwkK/F5vxRkMWxBjqvCzXudDXBvYVJ gnSJGw0QB6roJqHx3yf3x91YE8m69axiFTE8dAUz1IfTsbEgc2oUfnO+crWPyWh7 IHx8gIfN/3Uck/6gLPse63rtKB+jI7/i4xJbm0FIbOnodzkJP1GDy9U3UsEbleSW kKV884YFogi1iyfuOhrqCGWatQybpHlM/VyycH3NvzpsDFwVCYrnaQ/jpfKS1rlz dWvSYp6b43Nui30hm+kv =PZkK -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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