Silent Signal Security Advisory
Title: Symantec Critical System Protection Remote Code Execution
CVE: CVE-2014-3440
CVSSv2: 9.0 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Status: Public
Date: 2015-05-05
## Software description
According to the vendor Symantec Critical System Protection provides
policy-based behavior control and detection for server and desktop
computers. Symantec Critical System Protection includes management
console and server components, and agent components that enforce
policies on computers.
## Vulnerability Description
The agent control interface of the SCSP Server (sis-agent) is affected
by a remote unauthenticated code execution vulnerability. This interface
is used by the IDS/IPS agents to communicate with the SCSP server:
register themselves, fetch policy updates, report events, etc. Since all
the protected hosts need to communicate with the SCSP Server we can
expect that this interface will be exposed to wide network ranges.
The problem is caused by the fact that SCSP doesn't properly validate
bulk log file uploads allowing connecting parties (Agents and attackers
acting like Agents) to place arbitrary files on the client system. By
placing JSP files under one of the several web application root
directories of the Apache Tomcat server included in the Server package
an attacker can open an interactive command shell.
The vulnerable code resides in the BulklogHandler class of the sis-agent
application. The sis-agent application uses a custom HTTP(S)-wrapped
protocol that is similar to the standard multipart POST requests. In
this protocol the body of the HTTP request is divided into multiple
parts. Each part starts with a simple header that describes the type
(plaintext, xml, binary) and size (in bytes, without the header) of the
part. Each part can contain application Properties. In case of plaintext
data-type, Properties are simple key-value pairs. The body of each
request (and response) is ended with a line containing the "EOF_FLAG"
string. The lines of the request body are ended with ASCII 0x0A. An
example request body looks like this:
agent.osversion=7 Service Pack 1
The agent interface relies on the Java Servlet technology. User requests
are routed through several classes which parse the incoming properties.
The main logic of the Agent communication interface is implemented in
multiple Handler classes. In case of the BulklogHandler class the users
request first gets handled by the handleRequest() method that
immediately calls the logFile() method for every "properties" part of
the request:
// JAD decompiled code snippet
private void logFile(Properties prop, byte data[], boolean repeat)
throws Exception{
String filename;
File file;
FileOutputStream fout;
filename = prop.getProperty("");
file = getBulkLogFile(filename);
fout = null;
fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
// ...
The first method parameter holds the parsed properties from the request.
The second parameter holds the corresponding binary part (the contents
of the file to be uploaded). The method immediately calls the
getBulLogFile() method in order to get the appropriate file descriptor
// JAD decompiled code snippet
private File getBulkLogFile(String filename)
File file;
String agentName = null;
int index = filename.indexOf('.', 24);
if(index > 0)
agentName = filename.substring(24, index);
agentName = filename.substring(24);
String date = mFormat.format(mParser.parse(filename.substring(0,
String parentFolder = (new
File parent = new File(parentFolder);
file = new File(parentFolder, filename);
return file;
Throwable th;
throw new IllegalArgumentException((new
StringBuilder()).append("Corrupted bulk log filename
[").append(filename).append("]!!").toString(), th);
This method first tries to determine the name of the agent, taking the
substring of the file name from the 24th character to the first dot
after that. It then parses the first 8 characters of the given filename
as a date. The uploaded files will be placed into their own directories
(parent path), the directory structure looks like
LOG_ROOT/AGENT_NAME/FORMATTED_DATE. This structure is created with the
parent.mkdirs() call. The final path of the file descriptor is then
created basically by concatenating the original file name to the parent
Based on this, arbitrary file write can be achieved as follows:
* Register an agent using the /register interface and retreive the
agent GUID that should be used as a session identifier in the later steps.
* Initiate a file upload with an agent name in the form of
YYYY-MM-DD/YYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD and YYYY-MM-DD are the same valid
dates. The file upload will fail, but the directory structure will be
created. This way we can create a path that we will need for the next step.
* Initiate another file upload with a filename formatted in the
following way to achieve arbitrary file write inside the directory of
the servlet container: YYYYMMDD/../../../././././PATH_FROM_TOMCAT . The
most obvious way to use this opportunity is to upload a JSP shell to the
sis-agent interface.
SCSP Server runs with NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges by default. A
separate user account can be provided at install time. Running SCSP with
fewer privileges can reduce the potential impact of this vulnerability.
## Vulnerable / Tested versions
Symantec Critical System Protection Server 5.2.9 (Windows 7 (32-bit))
## References
## Credit
This vulnerability was discovered by Silent Signal.
## Contact
Name: Balint Varga-Perke
E-mail: vpbalint () silentsignal hu
PGP: 3E54 69E9 9BE9 0EE7 4B55 5C4B 8D84 5457 179D E644