Title: Hue 3.7.1 Local Privilege Escalation
Author: Julian Horoszkiewicz
An issue with hue-root privilege separation model has been identified. The
reason for this is that /usr/lib/hue/build/env/bin/supervisor python script
is by default owned by user hue, but executed as root. That opens the way
for adding arbitrary commands to be executed as root if one has access to
hue user account.
The hue server itself runs with privileges of the dedicated user hue (it
drops privileges from root), nonetheless privilege reduction takes place
scarcely after execution of the culprit script, which leads to privilege
escalation. Either manual service restart by root or system reboot has to
be performed in order to get the malicious code executed. In order to
mitigate the risk, the ownership of that file should be changed to root.