=====[ Tempest Security Intelligence - ADV-8/2016 ]=============================
Unsafe DLL search path in Akamai NetSession
Author: Felipe Xavier Oliveira < engfilipeoliveira89 () gmail.com >
Tempest Security Intelligence - Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil
=====[ Table of Contents ]======================================================
1. Overview
2. Detailed description
3. Timeline of disclosure
4. Thanks & Acknowledgements
5. References
=====[ 1. Overview ]============================================================
* System affected : Akamai NetSession [1].
* Software Version : (other versions may also be affected).
* Impact : If a low privileged user is infected, a malware is capable
of injecting code into Akamai NetSession process without
privilege elevation.
=====[ 2. Detailed description ]================================================
Akamai Netsession is vulnerable to DLL Hijack, it tries to load
CSUNSAPI.dll without supplying the complete path. The issue is aggravated
because the mentioned DLL is missing from its installation. Thus making it
possible to hijack the DLL and subsequently inject code within Akamai
NetSession process space.
=====[ 3. Timeline of disclosure ]=============================================
09/23/2016 - Reported vulnerability to security@akamai.com.
09/23/2016 - Akamai acknowledges the vulnerability and asks for two weeks in
order to fix the vulnerability.
10/07/2016 - Asked if they were able to fix it in the accorded time, but haven't
heard back from them.
12/11/2016 - Advisory publication date.
=====[ 4. Thanks & Acknowledgements ]===========================================
- Breno Cunha < brenodario () gmail.com >
- Felipe Azevedo < felipe3gomes () gmail.com >
- Tempest Security Intelligence / Tempest's Pentest Team [2]
=====[ 5. References ]==========================================================
[1] https://www.akamai.com/us/en/solutions/products/media-delivery/netsession-
[2] http://www.tempest.com.br/
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