# Exploit Title: Star Design BD - SQL Injection
# Google Dork: intext:"Website Developed By Star Design BD"
# Date: 2017-06-20
# Exploit Author: Mersad Security Research
# Software Link: -
# Version: all
# Tested on: Kali Linux
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.stardesignbd.com/
# CVE : -
#Star Design BD CMS===>
Inventory Management Software
Successful inventory management involves creating a purchasing plan that will ensure that items are available when they are needed (but that neither too much nor too little is purchased) and keeping track of existing inventory and its use.
Two common inventory-management strategies are the just-in-time method, where companies plan to receive items as they are needed rather than maintaining high inventory levels.
# Discovered By: Sh4dow (BlackPentester@Gmail.Com)
# We Are:Mersad (Mersad - Gray Industry)
# https://telegram.me/MersadGroup
# Mersad@Protonmail.Com
# Sh4dow - Cyrus - SOLTAN SILENT - AminStev