Barracuda WAF V360 Firmware Username / Session ID Leak

Credit: Matt Bergin
Risk: Low
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-200

KL-001-2017-013 : Barracuda WAF Management Application Username and Session ID Leak Title: Barracuda WAF Management Application Username and Session ID Leak Advisory ID: KL-001-2017-013 Publication Date: 2017.07.06 Publication URL: 1. Vulnerability Details Affected Vendor: Barracuda Affected Product: Web Application Firewall V360 Affected Version: Firmware v8.0.1.014 Platform: Embedded Linux CWE Classification: CWE-200: Information Exposure Impact: Privileged Access Attack vector: HTTP 2. Vulnerability Description The Barracuda WAF management application transmits the current user and session identifier over HTTP GET. 3. Technical Description The HTTP URL shown below contains both the username and a md5 hash. This information is transmitted over a plaintext network connection. The password parameter can be seen more like a session identifier whose values are valid for a maximum of five days. GET /cgi-bin/index.cgi?password=c12954a040d3a239f05ae63378131045&et=1480178788&auth_type=Local&locale=en_US&page_submitted=1&primary_tab=ADVANCED&secondary_tab=troubleshooting&user=admin HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: DNT: 1 Connection: close Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: BarracudaHTTP 4.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection: close Expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 16:26:42 GMT Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2016 16:26:42 GMT Content-length: 100997 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN [snip] 4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation The vendor has patched this vulnerability in the lastest virtual appliance release. 5. Credit This vulnerability was discovered by Matt Bergin (@thatguylevel) of KoreLogic, Inc. and Joshua Hardin. 6. Disclosure Timeline 2016.12.20 - KoreLogic sends vulnerability report and PoC to Barracuda. 2016.12.21 - Barracuda acknowledges receipt of the vulnerability report. 2017.01.09 - Barracuda informs KoreLogic that they are working on remediation for this issue. 2017.01.26 - Barracuda asks for additional time beyond the standard 45 business day embargo to address this and other issues reported by KoreLogic. 2017.02.27 - 45 business days have elapsed since the issue was reported. 2017.04.10 - 75 business days have elapsed since the issue was reported. 2017.05.15 - 100 business days have elapsed since the issue was reported. 2017.05.24 - Barracuda updates KoreLogic on the status of the remediation efforts. 2017.06.13 - 120 business days have elapsed since the issue was reported. 2017.06.27 - Barracuda informs KoreLogic that the issue has been fixed in the latest release of the WAF virtual appliance. 2017.07.06 - KoreLogic public disclosure. 7. Proof of Concept See 3. Technical Description The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2017 KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License: KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a proven track record of providing security services to entities ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various tools and resources aimed at helping the security community. Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:


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