[-] Exploit title : Coolred File Manipulation vulnerability
[-] Software dl : https://github.com/Coolred/WebApps
[-] Category : Webapps
[-] Author : The_Ripper
[-] Dork : N/A
[-] Tested on : Win XP
[-] Telegram : @The_Ripper
Vulnerable page :
[-] http://localhost/coolred/SimplyBank/demo/runPerso.php
Vulnerable source :
line14 >> fwrite fwrite($handle, $script_input);
line13 >> $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
line12 >> $tmpfname = tempnam(getcwd(), "script");
line10 >> $script_input = $_POST['script'];
Require :
line9 >> if(isset($_POST['script']))
As you can see the source code requires $_POST['script']
so you just need to identify an amount for the $_POST['script']
Enjoy ....