# CVE-2014-9322 PoC for Linux kernel
CVE-2014-9322 (a.k.a BadIRET) proof of concept for Linux kernel.
This PoC uses only syscalls not any libraries, like pthread. Threads are implemented using raw Linux syscalls.
[Raw Linux Threads via System Calls](http://nullprogram.com/blog/2015/05/15/)
# Usage
$ make
**badiret.elf** is an ELF executable.
**badiret.bin** is a raw binary that can be used as payload.
# Reference
[Exploiting “BadIRET” vulnerability (CVE-2014-9322, Linux kernel privilege escalation)](https://blogs.bromium.com/exploiting-badiret-vulnerability-cve-2014-9322-linux-kernel-privilege-escalation/)