[+] Exploit Title : Miracle Hunt Services SQL Injection
[+] Dork : "Powered by : Miracle Hunt Services"
[+] Author : Magelang1337
[+] Tested on : Windows 10/Linux
[+] path admin: site.com/admin
[+] POC :
[+] You can use SQL inject tools like Havij, Sqlmap or any other tools
[+] To upload a backdoor you can use the Burpsuite or tamper data
[+] Demo :
[+] http://www.zedkitchen.com/service_details.php?id=7
[+] http://www.sovereignenterprise.in/service-detail.php?serv=11
[+] http://www.rajhanselectric.com/products.php?pro_subcat_hdr=69
[+] http://sparkzelectro.com/service.php?sid=25
[+] http://devbhoomipharmaceuticals.com/products.php?data=7
[+] http://shalengineers.in/product.php?id=129