Infosysta Jira 1.6.13_J8 Push Notification Authentication Bypass

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 5/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: None

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Advisory ID: SYSS-2019-041 Product: In-App & Desktop Notification for Jira Manufacturer: Infosysta Affected Version(s): 1.6.13_J8 Tested Version(s): 1.6.13_J8 Vulnerability Type: Authentication/Authorization Bypass Risk Level: High Solution Status: Closed Manufacturer Notification: 2019-09-24 Solution Date: 2019-10-01 Public Disclosure: 2019-10-23 CVE Reference: CVE-2019-16906 Author of Advisory: Erik Steltzner, SySS GmbH Fabian Krone, SySS GmbH Sascha Heider, SySS GmbH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview: In-App & Desktop Notification for Jira is a Plug-in that displays email notification from Jira directly within the application. The manufacturer describes the product as follows (see [1]): "In-app & Desktop Notifications for Jira app allows you to get all of Jira's email notifications in front of you. Now you won't have to search through all your emails to check for a specific event in Jira, but all what you need to do is to check the notification section in Jira and see all events that happened in Jira and are related to you. You will also receive instant Desktop notifications as well as you will be able to add comments to the tickets directly from the notification." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vulnerability Details: With a Jira user name, the corresponding notifications can be read without authentication/authorization. This notification is then no longer displayed to the normal user. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proof of Concept (PoC): Using the following path it is possible to see notifications for a specific user: /plugins/servlet/nfj/PushNotification?username=<userName> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: Before delivering a reply, it should be checked whether a request has the necessary authorization. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclosure Timeline: 2019-09-10: Vulnerability discovered 2019-09-24: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer 2019-10-01: Patch released by manufacturer 2019-10-23: Public disclosure of vulnerability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ References: [1] Product website for In-App & Desktop Notification for Jira [2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2019-041 [3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: This security vulnerability was found by Erik Steltzner, Fabian Krone and Sascha Heider of SySS GmbH. E-Mail: Public Key: :// Key ID: 0x4C7979CE53163268 Key Fingerprint: 6538 8216 555B FBE7 1E01 7FBD 4C79 79CE 5316 3268 E-Mail: Public Key: :// Key ID: 0xBFDF30ABD10EA0F4 Key Fingerprint: 0ADE D2AA AE27 7DDA A8F0 C051 BFDF 30AB D10E A0F4 E-Mail: Public Key: :// Key ID: 0x06C4F8D7FCE9AF94 Key Fingerprint: F99E 89B8 EF77 C34F 6F9F 0E19 06C4 F8D7 FCE9 AF94 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web site. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright: Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0 URL: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEZTiCFlVb++ceAX+9THl5zlMWMmgFAl2wTx4ACgkQTHl5zlMW MmiiOg/+JCucgzsU1KS7J3jAcn6l3xYinHyLh7jxxdlrB/6NuepeigjFJH2LjG8g QlBx9XDCMgr68K8VI54oOLF2OFPrnSHeF/zAIrtj6QrKq/g2V72OvRIJoHmIcDCP zmrQzXmU9b2Z+kXW6nqOfObbIVVMDoLBPJ+d99VeYPz0hFlUB2wdk87PTB7GY621 OuI6UljIJAO6HYOleSvpUYiFtQwk02U2GAzJnz8YADdGt0iE34L2+rRvmJ6u6RB1 irmMBRwctAw+79DPPZSA3lx1BajyrfYizFRNntR1UFd62/NdsDwKA1QNidK8JTRb +/XvyjmQl+ln/sFGelhZyXEBZQSmEUG+YdtvekXWqMMhD9UoEow1sGgYOQdSAHUQ eov7+cn6NEdzloeSAvIbx8Ho4ZzLU8rP5+ucsvzJyk4sdr5RbMT6++xHDhTCTM9k 5njp5tiUZYOI1ebGgci3QMtixU9FtoQHccaqSCwVq5RYQuJ2xOpW1Z+UPrFlflNq Mo2yLeYw1iCBskRoMFdWiWwsQOK7riV5NUam18sbwx1ua97Kgsf9rz+V3hJz1qGF ifpGmxF5xOfhanLQZ37rgAVGvuBOky85+7BFJh+rqKymp0n/mopguxDg6mnzavwg wknXNv1cFlgdsUUwTSpZjTnJ+fO7npEzTdfeSFVEk1HjiaJlQ94= =Yt7r -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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