OvulaRing 4.2.2 Broken Object Level Authorization

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

secuvera-SA-2020-01: Broken Object Level Authorization Vulnerability in OvulaRing-Webapplication Affected Products OvulaRing Webapp Version 4.2.2 (older releases have not been tested) References https://www.secuvera.de/advisories/secuvera-SA-2020-01.txt https://owasp.org/www-project-api-security/ API1:2019 Broken Object Level Authorization Summary: "OvulaRing is an easy and accurate way to find out about your cycle health and to accurately determine your fertile days - developed by gynecologists and suitable for all cycle types." According to the privacy statement only the following data is being stored: - Number of current Sensor - Username - Password The Username is individually generated and printed on each package. To be able to reset the password, a user is able to save an "E-Mail-Hash". If this is done correctly, there is no correllation between the data measure and stored and personal data. The design strongly seems to follow the "privacy by default" rules. The privacy statement also declares, access to the Sensors (SNS) data is only granted to the individual user. This is wrong. Due to a broken object level authorisation, anyone with access to the application is able to access any sensor data. Effect: Anyone with access to the application is able to read other SNS-Data. The SNS-ID seems to be auto incremented. Attack: Login with the demo user account or demo doctors account. Use the example given to brute-force the SNS-IDs. A good starting point seems to be 32-00000. Increment by 1. If you found an SNS with data, here's a way to browse the data sets more comfortable: Login again as demo user or demo doctor. As soon as the users original SNS-ID is sent to the browser, subsitute with the one, you want to have a look at. Example: GET /v3/data_series?callback=$Something&access_token=$Something&sns%5B%5D=$dDesiredSns&level=1&from=$UnixTimestamp&to=$UnixTimestamp&mode=default&fine=true Sends back measurepoints over the time given in the call for the SNS-ID. Solution: Fixed in Version 4.2.8 Disclosure Timeline: 2020/07/16 vendor contacted 2020/07/16 vendor response 2020/07/23 vendor verified vulnerability 2020/08/09 vendor sent informational update 2020/10/16 vendor informed about the fixed version 2020/11/06 public disclosure Mit freundlichen Grüßen Tobias Glemser +49 7032/9758-15 (Telefon) +49 7032/9758-30 (Fax) -- #secuvera: cyber: talk: Wöchentliche kostenfreie Webinare. Nächste Themen: - Senden Sie Ihre Wünsche an info@secuvera.de https://www.secuvera.de/cyber-talk #Socialmedia https://twitter.com/secuveragmbh https://www.linkedin.com/company/secuvera-gmbh https://de-de.facebook.com/secuveragmbh #Rechtliche Informationen secuvera GmbH Siedlerstraße 22-24 71126 Gäufelden/Stuttgart www.secuvera.de Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 241704 Geschäftsführer: Tobias Glemser, Reto Lorenz

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